Tysonboss1 replied to the topic LNG is the future of car fuels in USA and most likely Australia too in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
The electrification of the transport system is the next big thing, most of the car companies agree that its not if but when this becomes a major thing,
Tysonboss1 started the topic Religion. What do you believe? and why? and do you care if it's true? in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
Hi guys,
I am interested in having a discussion about the what people believe when it comes to religion and why they believe it, and whether they care if its true.
My personal feelings on the subject is that most religions I have had explained to me are pretty awful, and have a lot of very nasty side effects. I am interested in hearing the…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Arbitrage Sports betting in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago
I have had a company trying the hard sell to get me to give them $1000 capital which they will manage on my behalf to make arbitiage sports bets.after talking to the salesman I can see though this scam.As another forum member mentioned if this worked why would they need to waste their time managing my $1000 just to earn a 5% commision off earnings.
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic FHOG to be scrapped in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Good,The first home owners grant is a terrible waste of government money, that actually does nothing to increase affordability.If the goverment were serious about increasing affordability they would take measures to increase supply, not just hand out money.It's like this, if you had 5 bananas on a table surrounded by 6 people that all wanted one,…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Property Doubles Every 10 Years in the forum General Property 16 years ago
duckster wrote:
Rule of 70 . Divide 70 by the growth p/a to find out when investment doubles. So 70 / 7% p/a = 10 years but remember the longer the time period the more the average growth will be 7% p/aI thought it was the rule of 72,…. you divide 72 by the 10% return and it tells you how long it takes to double
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic borrowing for business in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Yes, you can either do it as a personal loan ( high Interest ), or if you have property or shares you can lend against these assets.Most banks will feel comfortable lending up to $50,000 to a business without security,
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Do I as an individual need to form a “Trust” ? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
If I would you I would go for a trust,Put the debt in your name so that you can claim the deductions, It doesn't matter if you don't have any beneficiaries, Use the company/ trust format where the company is trustee of the trust and you are the director of the company, that way any profits you get can be passed to the company where the tax rate is…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Dodgy pyrimid scheme, Network 21 in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Jon Chown wrote:
I think that the basic concept of Amway is good, but I also believe that the break down in the chains is that, from my observations , People pay the joining fee with the expectation of getting rich quick with no work output and as soon as it doesn't happen and the cheques don't come in, they quit. Not unlike many people who g…[Read more]Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Dodgy pyrimid scheme, Network 21 in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I understand that Amway is a real company selling real products, But I just can't help but feel the network 21 system is being supported by the join up fees,…at the end of the day if this model was successful, and everybody that joined it were successful the market would reach saturation point within a year, If you started with 1 person who then…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Dodgy pyrimid scheme, Network 21 in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Matt P wrote:
How many levels below you will you receive a commission from their sales from? " they keep telling stories how when you have 100's of people below you in the "pipeline", you will receive enough cash each month to stop working and be a millionaire like the people paraded on stage."Lets just say for arguments sake this is true. What…[Read more]Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Dodgy pyrimid scheme, Network 21 in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Check out this link, It's the actual slide show from the seminar, you'll see the opening screen actually use robert kyosakis cash flow quadrant.http://www.cubinlab.ee.unimelb.edu.au/~pychan/pdf/businesspdf.pdflet me know what you think,I can't see how a system that relies on you signing up another 500+ people below you can work,…. especially…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Steve McKnight donates $5 million to Charity in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I heard he had set up a foundation with the goal of putting $1M into it,
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic advice on peak oil and how it will effect investing . in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Oil Price hitting new highs over US$130 a barrel,….Lucky for us the Australian dollar has been increasing over the past few years,… I would hate to go back to 1 A$1.00 only buying US$0.50c,…. that would mean 1 Barrel would be worth $260 Aussie dollarsI think current oil markets are prooving peak oil theories correct,…. Since 2005…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Peak Oil in the forum OIL over $130,….
I think 17 years agoOIL over $130,….I think the Peak oil theory is starting to hit home now,…
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic High rise appartments, not good for buy and hold? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
It really depends on your investment stratergy,It's true you can't expect a high rise apartment to increase in value as fast as a house and land close to a growing area, However.The way I look at investing in property is that a property is a inflation hedged income stream, Meaning that even though your high rise apartment won't increase as fast…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Negative Gearing vs buying outright in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
it depends on the risk profile you are willing to accept,I believe it is better to leverage a certain amount of your portfoilio to maximise your growth,… for eampleIf you bought a house for $100,000 and it went up by 10% you have made $10,000.how ever if you used the $100,000 as a deposit to by $1,000,000 of property and it went up by 10% then…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Adding Beneficiarys to Discretionary Family Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
Agreed with above comment,Double check the description of beneficies in the deed, you may find they already qualify.
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Back retaining wall is on neighbours property… in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
I can't really see a problem,…whats the problem,
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Adding solar panels to own property in the forum Value Adding 17 years ago
Solar electric panels are a waste of time,…. They are expensive and take up to 20years to pay for them selves.If you wish to use solar energy, then its best to use it in the form of a solar hot water system,… it's cheaper and collects more energy.A 1m x 1m solar hot water panel will heat a hot water tank in about 2hours,…. it would take a…[Read more]
Tysonboss1 replied to the topic Interest Only – Arrears or Advance? in the forum Finance 17 years ago
Jaleesa wrote:
CBA $300 wealth package (I'm not promoting them b/c right at this moment I'm not happy with my structure) however, for $300I have no fees on any accounts or any of my 4 mortgages and I get a free credit card (which of course I don't use). I think that's pretty darn good. Aah yes and I get .7% off standard or 0.15% off fixed. Ju…[Read more]- Load More