propertypower replied to the topic WARNING! Empowernet Advanced Real Estate Mastery in the forum Opinionated! 15 years ago
Good on you Angela,
I and a few others have contacted Empowernet re this service and they said that they have already completed their obligation by offering properties to us. I know of at least 8-10 other people who disagree with Empowernet.
Maybe we can all work together and add more weight to Today Tonight’s story.propertypower replied to the topic Are pest and building inspections recommended for units? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
I agree with lopetha. I have pulled out of deals because of issues with building/pest inspection reports. It gives you the peace of mind that you are not buying a dudd.
propertypower replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
G'day Daedalus,I would like to thank you for putting this very informative post and taking the time to answer people's question.
propertypower replied to the topic Depreciation schedule in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
You can try using Nancy Keep of Nancy Keep & Associates. Visit for more information. She is based in My Waverley. She is very good with structures and investments.
propertypower replied to the topic buying an appartment in a Cairns Resort complex??? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
Hi aroverman,See if you can buy the property subject to a new lease being signed at increased rent. This eliminates the risk that the resort not renewing the lease.Secondly, be careful of the management fee and body corporate. These can be quite high and affect the net yield.Thirsdly, signing a long term lease with the resort, may affect the…[Read more]
propertypower replied to the topic supersecrets to real estate in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
hi damo001,You will find most of the supersecrets to real estate on this site. There are thousands of useful threads that you can search through.All the best!
propertypower replied to the topic Any drafties that can be recommended around Sth/E suburbs, Melb?? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
What is ttheir contact detail?
propertypower replied to the topic shares crashing again…. in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Have a look at ZFX for yield – they paid $1.40 dividend last year and the share is trading just over $10 now.
propertypower replied to the topic I can help with Loans and Financing in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
….a company with unlimited capital to fund all existent, proposed project needs and desires.May be you should look at bailing out some of the US lenders!
propertypower replied to the topic shares crashing again…. in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Hi crashy,I think XJO might be falling due to increasing likelihood of an interest rate rise in Australia next month. DOW on the other hand is going up because of talk of 50-75 basis point reduction in interest rate in USA.I would say you should buy shares when the market has started recovering….it is still in a downtrend and you don't know how…[Read more]
propertypower replied to the topic Here’s the deal …. Thoughts???? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Anthony,You should take Depreciation into consideration as well for cashflow purpose.Also, consider Interest Only loan to reduce your repayments (if the loan is not already Interest Only).Other than that, I think its a good investment and you should hang onto it.
propertypower replied to the topic WARNING! Empowernet Advanced Real Estate Mastery in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
Hi Ros,Just so that you are aware, Real Estate Mastery and Advanced Real Estate Mastery programs are not Tony Robbins seminars. These events are promoted by Empowernet who also promotes Tony's events in Australasia. The problem I have with Empowernet is they have used promoted REM at Tony's events (specially Wealth Mastery) and many unsuspecting…[Read more]
propertypower replied to the topic Melbourne accountant needed??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi virgininvestor,You can try Nancy Keep from Nancy Keep & Associates ( have been using her for many years and am extremely happy. She owns many properties herself and is very good with structures etc. Besides property investment, she can show some other very good investments as well. You can contact her on 03 9544 9577.
propertypower replied to the topic Postive geared property? Fact or fallacy in todays market in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Wow, Terry and Richard – those are amazing yields.
propertypower replied to the topic Postive geared property? Fact or fallacy in todays market in the forum General Property 17 years ago
G'day JasonCouple of properties I own are returning 10% yield. Positive cash flow properties are there….but not that easy to find. You have to look into some regional towns or as Luke said, be creative. Strata title, subdivide, renovate, corporate lease, lease fully furnished, student lease, short term accommodation, etc. are some ways of…[Read more]
propertypower replied to the topic Quantity Surveyor’s in Adelaide in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Theresa,I have used Depreciator few times and am very happy with the service and responsiveness.
propertypower replied to the topic Renting PPOR in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi 9ball,Property Managers generally charge 7-8% plus GST. And remember, this is a deductible expense for tax purpose.
propertypower replied to the topic Need Some Advice in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi Rising Star,Few comments:1. Firstly, congratulations on reducing your loan by $30,000 in 2 months….thats terrific.2. Make sure you have interest only loan on your current property.3. With regards to structure, you should consider trust. You will need to speak to an accountant to discuss different types of trusts and which one suits you best.…[Read more]
propertypower replied to the topic Wealth Guardian in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
Rising Star wrote:
hey alli am new here.. what is the wealth guardian kit ?RSHi Rising Star,You can find more about Wealth Guardian at
propertypower replied to the topic Renting PPOR in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi CIS,I also recommend using a property manager to manage the property. As Marc said, it is money well spent. As you expand your portfolio, you will find it hard to manage all the properties because they sometimes require lot of time.You might want to read this post as well….some interesting…[Read more]
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