All Topics / Help Needed! / Gladstone area for an investment.

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  • Profile photo of lisatfslisatfs
    Join Date: 2025
    Post Count: 0



    Just wondering peoples thoughts on the Gladstone area for an investment.   At this point I’m interested in purchasing a unit.


    Thank you

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Hi Lisatfs,

    Since no-one else has “got up to dance”, I thought I’d share a few ideas.  Note that I have only bought in Brisbane, so I have NO direct knowledge of Gladstone.  However, I recall some events that put a pall over Gladstone some time back – in one example, some major industrial event was planned, everyone got excited, values screamed up, then the event did NOT proceed and the rug was pulled out, and many folks lost money.   I am talking many years back now – ten or more?

    What you can do is to type the word Gladstone in the Search area on the home page then check out the results (it takes several seconds for all the posts to pop up).   The title might give a clue re the contents, OR just read them all, taking note of the dates.   That will give a historical view of the place.

    I vaguely recall some suburbs mentioned where one should “stay away”.  Are they that way today?  I don’t know.

    Using realestate,, I quickly saw that prices in some suburbs have had a boom time recently e.g. a 25% gain in the last twelve months and close to doubling over 5 years.  Which ones?  Again, I don’t know, but you will likely have an idea of what and where, so seek the info on those ‘burbs you like.

    Oh, and Units?  I’ve never bought one in my life.  I like land content.  You’ll need others to talk of Units themselves and/or Units in Gladstone specifically.  Good luck with your search.



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