All Topics / Help Needed! / SEPP – Low Rise Housing Diversity Code – Terraces – Parking

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  • Profile photo of Bricman_pppBricman_ppp
    Join Date: 2020
    Post Count: 0

    Hey guys

    Has anyone built or designed three or more terraces under the NSW – Part 3B ‘Low Rise Housing Diversity Code’

    We are facing an issue with parking, i.e. crossovers to the main street. My architect has flagged this as a major concern, 3 Terraces with 3 separate crossovers on a lot width of 21.5m is something council may not grant. Details regarding parking under the SEPP (LRHDC) do not give clear guidance, we could end up having the whole project approved under a CDC, for council at the very end to say, aaahh we don’t support that!

    Has anyone had issues with garages/parking under the Low rise SEPP?
    Best regards


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Bricman_ppp Bricman_ppp.
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