All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Referrals needed

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  • Profile photo of David RyanDavid Ryan
    Join Date: 2022
    Post Count: 0

    Hello. I live in Brisbane and am the recipient of an inheritance of ~$1M.

    I am asking for a referral for a financial advisor, tax accountant and lawyer who are fully capable to implementing the strategies from Steve McKnight’s book (0 to 130); in particular the asset structure, and knowing how to navigate the technicalities of disclosure when it comes to getting maximum legal leverage with potentially multiple trusts.

    I’m a beginner and intend to start small and move slowly in the beginning, however I want to structure everything correctly from the outset.

    I spoke with Christopher Berry and he has referred me to the accountant Mark Unwin (who I have now gathered is Steve McKnight’s accountant from these forums). This seems like a good place to start but they are located in Victoria. As a beginner, there’s a lot of value in sitting with someone face to face, so I’ll happily take any Brisbane based referrals if you have them.

    Thanks in advance,


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of David Ryan David Ryan.
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