All Topics / Creative Investing / Anyone using social media / website to promote their bizz?

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  • Profile photo of pkrpkr

    Just curious if anyone is actively using social media and their own website to market their real estate business?

    Of course Steve has a separate income generating leg from, but there are other forms of internet presence.

    For example I have a basic website which lists any properties as soon as they become available for renting. My own experience is that it doesn’t have much internet traffic and ads in the local newspaper are more effective for my type of target group.

    If you’d like to share your experience with how effectively your social media /web presence helps your real estate business, that would be most interesting.


    Profile photo of Ricky

    Yes, I am using social media and all, but I could not get suitable leads. I am just using FB for that. Can you share some ideas to bolster a particular business?

    Your advice will be much appreciated.

    Ricky | Naval Aulakh Real Estate Agent

    Profile photo of Adrian CahillAdrian Cahill
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 128

    I use a handful, can’t beat meeting face to face.

    I am an investor that went deep into the mindset rabbit hole. Now I coach some traders/businessowners/freelancers and the best place to meet them is face to face. Still, use several meetups and websites to bring in leads/participants.

    On the surface level anyone can make $ easily, the same way anyone can make money with property…… so some of the books people say, on a deeper level, a hell of a lot more learning to make $ from on online business/SM than people think.

    Adrian Cahill | Personal Development Expert
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Here since 2002, however things have evolved over the years.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    It’s been on the agenda for a long time. I should so something about it whilst the apocalypse passes.

    Profile photo of Ricky

    Nowadays , social media or making website for your business plays a significant role in today’s era. Whether you are a small shop owner or top brass businessman, you need to use today’s technology for promoting his or her business.

    You can’t rely on expensive advertisements on TV or hoardings on road otherwise you will end lose huge amounts. Social media is the wonderful tool of the 21st century. Just post some elegant posts on Facebook and Instagram. Promote your posts to the targeting people having same niche. Thats all my friend.

    Ricky | Naval Aulakh Real Estate Agent

    Profile photo of pkrpkr

    I use a handful, can’t beat meeting face to face.


    My wife has a business as an IT consultant and it’s hard to keep her website at the top of the Google search results. There too, as with my real estate business, most of the contacts coming through online are not really good compared to old school methods such as a personal network.

    For me the conclusion at the moment is not spend too much energy on internet marketing anymore because the time needed to do it right is huge.


    Profile photo of Anishacorn

    I use my Instagram account to promote my bizz.

    Profile photo of Colin RiceColin Rice
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 338

    I use it to create interest and develop a personal brand, to me every bit of visibility you can attain will leave an impression on your followers/lurkers’ minds, and when someone mentions a need for your service you get a mention. It seems the best approach is to be indirect and show that you have an active and interesting life to garner a following, rather than direct sales.

    Colin Rice | CDR Finance
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Perth Based Mortgage Broker - Investment Property Finance Specialist | E:

    Profile photo of Anishacorn

    I started a small business with my boyfriend recently. We’re selling homemade candles and I think it’s a pretty cute idea. We used our social media accounts to promote our products. First, we created an Instagram page and we posted every single candle we made. We got some followers but the page wasn’t growing that fast. I suggested we use TikTok cause it’s more popular now. We didn’t film the products but the process instead, and people found it very interesting. We have some viral videos and we get a lot of orders now. Besides that, we also started using this website to help with marketing.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Anishacorn Anishacorn.
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