All Topics / Opinionated! / Darwin April 2018
The month after Cyclone Marcus Darwin has seen a big clean up with many of the downed street trees cleared away. A job advertisement that brought a smile to my face was the position of Director Migration Northern Territory, a well-paid job but with a current 0.01% migration rate I hope the successful applicant has a positive attitude.
A thought is the trend to encourage people to migrate with a bounty paid for employers who employ from the south may make it hard for Territorian’s to get those jobs.
The Jabiru picture from ABC Darwin Facebook article:Jabiru Photos at Casuarina Beach
Here are some items of note from the month of April 2018.
26/4/2018 – ThursdayMindil Beach markets start for this dry season.
25/4/2018 – WednesdayLarge crowds are seen in the city for Anzac Day activities including the Dawn ceremony.
In Nightcliff, public housing complex John Stokes Square is to be demolished. A $25m police station and housing are to be constructed.
24/04/2018 – Tuesday1,600 US Marines arrive for this year’s rotation.
23/04/2018 – MondayFederal Government tops up GST income shortfall of $259m.
22/04/2018 – SundayMyilly Point development gets cancelled, $50m not to be spent on a duplicate museum.
21/4/2018 – SaturdayNTG announces 100 government jobs to go. Pay freeze for public servants.
Confusion over the NTG plan to tax vacant blocks of land in the CBD, which blocks are included which are not?
ABC looks at rental vs purchase in Darwin
20/04/2018 – FridayThe federal government announces $160m for upgrades to the Outback Way.
19/4/2018 – ThursdayCoreLogic research director Tim Lawless calls a 1% increase in housing value in the NT. see the National review at about 1:50 m.
18/4/2018 – WednesdayTenders for passengers to Tiwi and Mandorah for 60 months.
A new mining royalty model announced for the NT.
17/4/2018 – TuesdayThe Northern Territory Government announces fracking to go ahead. Read more here
14/4/2018 – SaturdayNT Town Camps review is handed in, later NTG announce federal spending on remote housing.
13/4/2018 – FridayDirect flights between Shenzen in China and Darwin in the NT are to be flown by Donghai airlines.
12/4/2018 – ThursdayJetstar to fly Brisbane to Uluru.
11/4/2018 – WednesdayTenders awarded for seven road upgrade/maintenance projects of a value of $40m.
10/4/2018 – TuesdayLarrakeyah Barracks and Naval operations have been given a $500m budget, finish by 2023. Public hearings to be held in Darwin for these developments in the near future
8/4/2018 – SundayLudmilla Primary school is to get a revamp, good news for a school that was threatened with closure.
Prince Charles visits Darwin.
6/4/2018 – FridayTenders invited for the previously conversational Dan Murphy’s liquor shop at Darwin Airport.
AACo abattoir at Livingstone is under strategic review due to exchange rate and high cattle prices.
5/4/2018 – ThursdayA cut to Northern Territory GST revenue of over $100m has been announced.
Palmerston City now has a new council after quite some time and turmoil.
Public meetings announced about upgrades to Larrakeyah Barracks and Naval operations.
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
Nick Kirlew.
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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