All Topics / Help Needed! / Where to invest in 2017 for first tme investors

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  • Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Hi :)

    My wife and I have read Steve’s books and are feeling very inspired.

    I am after resources/insights/advice on where and how to start investing in 2017.

    This year will be our first time investing. In order to decide which investment strategy is right for us given our circumstances I was hoping to get some advice. If anyone can help or point me towards some good resources I will be extremely grateful !

    Thank You !


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Shehan Tambi Shehan Tambi.
    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Shehan

    There are a number of investment strategies you can follow to increase your net wealth but where you start will depend on your own investment goals and amount of time you wish to dedicate to your investing.

    Whatever you do the main thing is to ensure your structure is sound and you have flexibility when it comes to financing.

    The biggest problem with most investor clients is they do not set up their finances correctly from day 1 and then find themselves unable to move forward in a strategic manner.

    Poor advice from Bankers or brokers seems all to prominent in an industry where professionalism is oh so lacking.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Thank You Richard :)

    Looks like we have a lot to consider and set up before moving forward.

    Appreciate the advice.

    Thank You,


    Profile photo of Ethan TimorEthan Timor
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 282

    My suggestion would be to read a lot, go to networking meetings in your area, talk with experienced investors, gather information, check out the listings and always keep learning. Be market ready so when you’ll find the right opportunity, you’ll be ready 👍😎

    Ethan Timor | Aligned Finance Pty Ltd
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Active Investor & Broker; Based in Northern NSW, servicing Australia wide; Author of '34 Proven Ways to Maximise Your Borrowing Power' (download free from our website)

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Thank You Ethan – yes I have been reading a lot of forums on here and researching online for local networking groups however not found any yet.

    I did find your meetings you have set up for Byron Bay etc (hehe) nothing for my local area though.

    Ill keep looking and thank you for taking the time to reply Ethan.

    Thank You,


    Profile photo of Ethan TimorEthan Timor
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 282

    Sure thing, happy to help 👍😎

    Where are you based?

    Ethan Timor | Aligned Finance Pty Ltd
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Active Investor & Broker; Based in Northern NSW, servicing Australia wide; Author of '34 Proven Ways to Maximise Your Borrowing Power' (download free from our website)

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    I’m based in Victoria , South Eastern Suburbs.

    City of Casey and City of Cardinia are our closest shires.

    Profile photo of ariss123ariss123
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Shehan

    For networking there is a group that regularly meets and has guest speakers in Bulleen:

    There might be something closer to you than Bulleen but this could be a good place to start!

    Email Me

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Thank you @ariss123 – Bulleen isn’t too far that would be great.

    my Wife and I will be checking it out

    Thanks again !

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Shehan Tambi Shehan Tambi.
    Profile photo of Corey BattCorey Batt
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,010

    There’s also fairly regular Melbourne meetups listed here:

    Corey Batt | Precision Funding
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Investment Focused Finance Strategist - servicing Australia-wide

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    This is awesome Corey thank you very much !

    was looking for a link like this I appreciate the assistance :)

    Profile photo of Tony FlemingTony Fleming
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 396

    Hi Shehan as others have stated I would do plenty of research and networking to develop a strategy that suits your goals. Once you have developed a strategy then you can work out the type of properties you want to target.

    Best of luck!

    Tony Fleming | Triumphant Property Group
    Email Me

    NSW Buyer's Agent specialising in Western Sydney-Blue Mountains-Orange-Albury

    Profile photo of Patrick OwPatrick Ow
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 9

    Hi Shehan

    There are a number of strategies you need to get your head around and learn how to apply them to your circumstances.

    Property strategies listed below are commonly used in Australia. They may overlap depending on how you apply them to your personal circumstances, goals and risk profile.
    – Home ownership
    – Buy and hold real estate
    – Negatively geared property (capital growth strategy)
    – Positively geared property
    – Cash flow positive property
    – Buy property to renovate
    – Partnerships and syndications
    – Property subdivision and development

    Which property strategy is best suited to you will depend on your goals and unique circumstances. Each person is different and you cannot follow other people’s footsteps because their strategy is tailored to their goals. This why it is so important for you to be educated in the various types of strategies and align them to your personal goals.

    Understanding the inter-play of all these strategies will give you the foundation for sound decision-making.

    Your property strategy and buying criteria may also include decisions about whether to buy:
    – Capital growth or rental yield property
    – New or an existing property
    – Apartment or a house
    – Off-the-plan property or buy a completed property
    – Low-priced or high-priced property
    – Custom build, house and land or existing property

    There are also a number of complementary strategies that you need to take into account when buying properties.
    – Mindset strategy
    – Education strategy
    – Ownership strategy
    – Finance strategy
    – Debt reduction strategy
    – Tax reduction strategy
    – Asset protection strategy
    – Contracting strategy
    – Exit strategy
    – Retirement strategy

    You can also read my reply on getting started here.

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Thank you Tony !

    Profile photo of Shehan TambiShehan Tambi
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Patrick,

    Wow this is amazing thank you very much ! I have made notes on the above and will help us streamline our strategies and objectives effectively.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply with the above.

    much appreciated !


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