All Topics / General Property / Bizarre /disgusting is an uderstatement

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  • Profile photo of MikeMike
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 43

    WARNING: This is pretty gross. Totally work safe but if you have a weak stomach, avoid!

    Over the years I’ve in property I’ve seen a lot of weird things going on with tenants, neighbours, estate agents and contractors but the recent email I received from my property manager in London well and truly takes the cake.

    Here it is:

    Over the weekend we’ve had a very strange incident reported at flat 3 Farnley Road following a visit from our contractors to fix up new blinds. The tenant emailed me to say that returning home he found what appeared to be ‘human faeces’ on is bed clothes… he has sent over photos! I am totally shocked and disturbed by this report as it points to the contractor as being the culprit (the only person known with access), but I find this so hard to believe!

    Needless to say the police have been called and are doing tests on the ‘specimen’

    Have you ever had something so weird your mind boggles?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
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