All Topics / Help Needed! / Entering a sales job involving property and I have my concerns.

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  • Profile photo of Yoyo

    Hi all this is my first post on this forum !
    I recently got offered a position too sell memberships that involve property investing. This all sounds great but it’s commission only and I won’t get paid for my training. Another alarm bell and that sounded was the fact I need to organise my own super and tax deductions whilst having to use my own vehicle with no gaurentee of any sort of income. My main question is, seeing that I have no experience in sales is this job worth it ? And another question, is this even legal ?

    Edit: I also get no sick leave,annual leave or paid public holiday and none of this was mentioned all through my “training week” or the job advertisement.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Yoyo
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Yoyo
    Profile photo of TheNewGuy

    Sounds like a crap job I’d keep looking. From an employment perspective I guess you’re a subcontractor so that’s how they get away with not paying you for anything.

    Profile photo of Yoyo

    It’s not only the pay I’m concerned about its also the fact that the contract states that I am liable for any damages the customer may endure.

    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Sounds terrible – you’ll be as likeable as the charity workers that harass people outside of Woolies.

    What is a property membership exactly?



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of Yoyo

    Hi Jamie thank you for the reply.

    For obvious reasons I do not want to name the company, but what I will say is that they force people into a false sense of insecurity and sell them garbage.

    Profile photo of TheNewGuy

    That response made me laugh, I’d probably go with less honesty if you want to sell anything in the role! Since you’re a subcontractor you’ll need all of your own insurances.

    Profile photo of Yoyo

    I know my response was average haha !
    The contract I’ve sent off too the ACCC because of how misleading they were about what job actually was. I’ve also sent how they operate into the ACCC aswell so nobody else gets ripped off.

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