All Topics / General Property / Core Logic rental report

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  • Profile photo of DeanCollinsDeanCollins
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 376

    Who the heck writes this shit

    “Weekly rents across the combined capital city measure increased 0.3% in February however rents were unchanged over the past 12 months”

    if its going up 0.3% in the month of February….then it must have gone up over the year (its in the report summary as well eg not a cut and paste error in the press release)

    In the report however it then goes on to say that 0.3% increase for Feb 2016 is bad as the year before it was 1.7% increase in Feb 2015
    …..well thank goodness its not that again this year as it could equal 20.4% increase for the year.

    Seriously?? doesnt anyone proof read anymore?

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Hi Dean,
    Well, I reckon they “could” be right:-

    “Weekly rents across the combined capital city measure increased 0.3% in February however rents were unchanged over the past 12 months”

    If they grew in February, but had previously dropped 0.3% at some other time in the previous 12 months, this has the nett effect of staying the same over the year.


    Profile photo of DeanCollinsDeanCollins
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 376

    That would make sense but elsewhere it talks about rents being up for the year…..

    I was thinking afterwards maybe the word ‘yields’ was missing but that’s not even right as on a sales price yields were down.

    Just feels like ‘all PR fluff’ no responsibility these days.

    Words have meaning ;)

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