All Topics / Commercial Property / James Dawson – Commercial Property Cash Flow System package

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  • Profile photo of oliviaolivia
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 1

    Hi everyone,

    I am brand new here.. i was just wondering if anyone has any information to offer regarding the value/legitimacy of this course or about JD himself..? I see this thread is quite old, so maybe with the benefit of hindsight someone has some additional wisdom…!

    I just watched one of the free webinars promoting the package and then came across this thread when i started to research.. as with majority of previous posts, i am both interested AND skeptical.. it seems a little too good to be true really..

    I am a complete novice in the property game (commercial and residential), but having finally saved a significant amount of cash for a deposit, i am pretty excited to be ready to get the ball rolling, and I am looking for quality info to begin educating myself!

    I see some of you have done various courses by various other people.. were any of them in particular more useful than others?… particularly for a newbee to get started?

    Is it even actually necessary to do a course? on the surface, it seems that the networking opportunities and benefits that come along with the ‘membership’ are of the greatest value.. are there any other benefits of investing in this course (or others)?

    I would imagine a lot of info is freely available.. ScottNoMates , do you have any recommendations for websites to use..?

    If anyone has a spare minute to respond, I would really appreciate any advice!

    Thanks :)

    Profile photo of TheEsteemedOne

    I did the course and helped me tremendously. I already own Commercal Property so added value to that knowledge I already have. The course is not comprehensive though. There are still risks you need to be aware of with commercial but James is a great mentor. I would take baby steps with him if you are new.

    Profile photo of TheEsteemedOne

    Also James is quite the risk taker so if you are very risk averse I am not sure course is for you.

    Profile photo of Robert King

    Hi @verns,
    Are you interested in selling your course materials and recoup some of your initial investment cost.
    Feel free to message me.

    Profile photo of Robert King

    Hi @AgentSmith
    Are you interested in selling your course materials and recoup some of your initial investment cost.
    Feel free to message me.

    Profile photo of damodedamode
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 1

    I know negotiation tactics were mentioned as being useful, what was one of the more useful examples?

Viewing 6 posts - 21 through 26 (of 26 total)

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