All Topics / Commercial Property / James Dawson – Commercial Property Cash Flow System package

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  • Profile photo of PropertyGutsPropertyGuts
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 57

    Has anybody taken up the Commercial Property Cash Flow System by James Dawson. There is a link to him on facebook, though no website. there was a webinar last week, he sells the package for $3000 (Manual, DVDs, CD,s reports, checklists etc). I value education and networking with experienced operators – so I am wondering what the package is like?

    Profile photo of Andrew PittAndrew Pitt
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 21

    yes Guts, i saw the James Dawson webinar last Friday, went for about 2 hours, i think he repeats it. Some interesting stuff on there and James showed us all his property’s. Here is the link to his facebook page
    No i have not seen or heard of anybody with the package – but, yes would like to know more too

    Andrew Pitt

    Enhancing Commercial Property to Empower Business

    Profile photo of MikeMike
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 1

    From what I have Heard it is supposed to be really helpful. I was hesitant myself so I missed the special that was on and now it has closed. I have messaged James yesterday to see when it will be back on again. No reply yet. But I would be very interested to talk to someone who has bought this.

    Profile photo of VernS

    Hi Guys – am new to this forum but saw this thread and felt I can help.
    I bought James’s package a couple of weeks ago – going through the course now.
    It’s really good so far – I was a bit hesitant at first because, to be honest, I didn’t really believe 8% or more returns were possible.
    BUT going through the materials and doing some numbers on properties I’ve since seen, I can see that it is possible.
    (actually James just posted a new testimonial from one of the students that joined in the first intake in March… One couple bought the program and signed their first property in 49 days – pending finance – that will get them 10.4% returns and 11.something% after 4 years)
    so – I’ a believer.
    Material is good and even though James is a little at arms length he has actually answered a couple of questions I’ve asked via the private student questions email.
    Also he’s adding property search videos where he goes through properties he’s finding online, and going through what you should look at and need to consider if you were to look at it… really good learning coming from those.
    all up very happy though I am cautious and am taking my time looking for properties and assessing them.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions

    Profile photo of WayneWayne
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 1

    Hi VernS, how are you finding James course now you have had it a couple of months?

    Profile photo of Keen NoviceKeen Novice
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 1

    Does anyone have any further info or experiences with James’ education package? Thoughts…

    Profile photo of worstcookeverworstcookever
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 1

    I am also wondering if the course is worthwhile, mostly want to confirm its not a scam

    Profile photo of VernS

    Hi all – I’ve not been on this forum for months… but I came on today to find a boatload of PM’s asking me how it was going with the James Dawson course… I’ve answered a few personally but I’m running out of steam (not much of a typist) so doing a public update.

    I’ve done a bunch of courses so I have some background in res investing. This was all new to me (commercial). James makes it easy to understand. modules are very clear. There are 8 main modules (about 1 hour each) and 3 other modules. It took me about 2 weeks to go through everything.

    Almost more important than the main course is the ongoing material. He does regular updates, is active on a members only facebook group and has even answered an email personally about a property I was looking at (although personal contact is not really part of the course) which saved me thousands by not going through with that particular deal.

    One of the regular things James does is a property search video where he regularly searches for properties that look interesting for him from all over the country. He makes a video and talks through why he thought it was interesting, what he would ask the agent, what to watch out for… etc. Sometimes he even goes right into a property and does all the numbers so you get a really detailed look into how to work out whether a deal is going to be worth it and what he would offer for it… those vids are really helpful. It’s one thing to learn the theory but entirely another to see how he thinks… sort of over his shoulder view if his years of experience. I’ve probably learned more from those than any thing.

    I know there are some students that have gone and bought some of the properties that he’s mentioned in these vids.

    I’m now 1 property in (9.7% returns from day1 on a 4.4% loan, so very cashflow positive… with some upside I’ve yet to engage. His negotiating strategies probably saved me around $48k on purchase price… so just that was a big win) and
    negotiating on another now. I’m by no means a big gun in this. being very cautious. There are many other students who have done a heap more than me… some of them are producing crazy results… I’m starting small and taking my time.

    Anyway I hope that helps…

    Good course… if you are ready to take action and have some equity in your home or something then there are plenty of properties available with much lower competition than res.
    James is the real deal and makes it easy to understand.


    Profile photo of MaalamaalMaalamaal
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 8

    Thanks for the detailed reply Vern

    Profile photo of HancockHancock
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 2

    Thanks Vern…….very good feedback though after listening to his webinar I was pretty well convinced of his efficacy. The real question is have we the guts to act…..

    Profile photo of agent smith

    HI There,
    Just wondering if anyone can tell me how to get involved with James Dawson’s Commercial property purchase package.
    I cant find any website links etc, even on his website??
    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    What do you need to learn which isn’t easily converted from residential experience other than rent review methods, termination, make good, AFSS, Gross/nett, incentives & if all else fails 1800-sue-me ie solicitor.

    All of these things are freely available on the web, local library or TAFE bookshop.

    Profile photo of NEWBIE 99NEWBIE 99
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 4

    I actually came on here to enquire about James Dawson and found this thread. I had a call yesterday from someone representing him, this was arranged after watching his webinar last week, I was told they would be assesing my suitability for the course.

    I found myself offering up my financial position in the end to find out her reaction as she didnt really seem too interested in my situation, more in encouraging me to have the balls to use up my equity in my home and go for it (while paying them $4k)

    The lady was nice and James ‘seems’ legit, but I couldnt really get much information out of her and am still slightly sceptical although still interested.

    I am very keen to look in to commercial but am guessing all the info I need is on this website?

    Profile photo of samsam
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 1

    I am currently evaluating this course. I’ve been through the webinar and the follow up call with his sales guy. As per the comments above he seems a bit arms length and I see no mention of ongoing costs for repairs/maintenance etc in any of the financial modelling he discusses (I have also listened to his podcast series) to show the positive cash flow.

    It looks quite good however I am cautious.

    Has anyone signed up and experienced any success?

    Profile photo of agent smith

    HI Again people,
    Since my post on September 2nd I signed up for James’s course and paid my money.
    I have got my manual and listened to the modules..
    I am happy with the money I spent..
    I have done many property investment courses in my life including Steve McKight, Michael Yardley and others (even Henry Kaye)..
    James course has possibly been the most practically useful course I have done.. Commercial property is more about numbers than residential so it can be more instructional… like a complicated cookbook. I find residential more fluffy and vague when it comes to education.
    With commercial (or any type of investment) you don’t know what you don’t know… it is good to have a back up and some one to ask questions.
    Their website has a good forum that James regularly contributes to and responds quite quickly to any questions.
    I started this course after completing a couple of commercial deals (and after doing residential investment for 10 years) and making a couple of very small but very costly mistakes.
    My thoughts are that if you are going to do commercial property investment it helps to have some sort of manual and resource to refer to and people to ask those questions that may not seem that significant but can make a deal awesome or a loser.

    Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of RealSmarterRealSmarter
    Join Date: 2017
    Post Count: 1

    In answer to Sam who said that James Dawson doesnt report repairs/maintenance costs – the reason for this is that in a Commercial lease it is quite normal for the tenant to take care of all these types of outgoings.

    Essentially, Commercial lease negotiations are much more flexible than residential – they are not uniform and almost anything can be negotiated. Not fully understanding the terms of the lease (or how to negotiate new leases) can cause either tenants or owners to end up in trouble.

    Profile photo of VernS

    Hey Sam, as @realsmarter said most outgoings are paid for by the tenants. This is fairly standard in a commercial lease. That said – they cover things like building maintenance, paint, fittings etc but generally not anything structural – you need to cover that.
    This is the same with any building but makes it more important to get a building inspection done before purchase.
    Also tenants tend not to cover annual fire inspections and the like – you’ve got to cover those too.

    Keep in mind though that with the tenants paying the outgoings your cash flow is much higher. which is exactly why you want to go for commercial in the first place.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of VernS VernS. Reason: spelling
    Profile photo of Robert KingRobert King
    Join Date: 2016
    Post Count: 13


    So @verns and @agent-smith.
    It has been a while since you both purchased a course.
    I am curious as to whether or not you have made any deals as yet.
    What progress have you mad as commercial investors?

    I am currently evaluating my first commercial deals(currently only hold residential) and I am wondering whether you may be able to provide any advice.
    Namely, in the area of Due Diligence.
    What kind of Due Diligence do you recommend?
    A simple and comprehensive “bullet point” list will aid a simpleton such as myself.

    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Robert King
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Robert King
    Profile photo of fxdaemon

    Hi VernS and anyone else who has done JD course,

    I am also interested to find out more about JD training after watching his free intro webinar.

    I saw in the video he was showing some of his students buying properties in regional areas and also
    some smaller strata smaller than 100 sqm.

    As I am still learning the rope on CP, are those the only properties that may give immediate passing
    net yield greater than 10% JD’s strategy focusing on?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of fxdaemon fxdaemon.
    Profile photo of fxdaemon

    I recently had a phone session with one of their rep and following the chat I received an SMS
    message with direct deposit payment instructions.

    While I was happy to sign up I responded asking specifically to have a soft/digital copy of invoice
    emailed to me so I can attend to payment and more importantly I have something in writing in email that
    contain full details of what I am signing up and paying for.

    To my unexpected surprise, the response I received via SMS was that it does NOT issue tax invoice
    before invoice amount is paid in full. I will think the right way of doing business is one receives a
    tax invoice, makes the payment and then receives the tax RECEIPT.

    Something just doesn’t sit well or comfortably with me and I’d like to know if anyone else who has
    joined up recently or in the past has had similar experience?

    Can’t help being skeptical here.


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