All Topics / Help Needed! / Just Starting Over

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  • Profile photo of maycefactor

    I’ve just joined and starting out on my investment journey, I am keen to purchase a property but holding back for a few reasons including fear and uncertainly, I am feeling overwhelmed by all this and not sure where to start so would appreciate any suggestions, a response by private message would be ideal, wishing everyone a great Christmas and Happy, Safe and Prosperous 2015. Thanks

    Walking to run
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 68

    Save $100 at 5% for 30 years

    Or delay 5 years

    Save $100 for 5% for 25 years

    Notice the difference?

    It’s massive.

    Now, knowing when you borrow money for a house that your $20,000 deposit can be $200,000 enter $200,000 for 30 years at 5%

    Have I convinced you?

    Everyone feels afraid at the start. I listed here so everyone can learn from your question. Totally normal.

    This is just the beginning. Keep asking. Keep learning. You can do it.


    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Hi Mayce

    Welcome aboard :-)

    It’s not uncommon to become overwhelmed. There’s a lot of information out there to absorb.

    What are your general concerns?



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of maycefactor

    Hi Jamie

    Thanks, agreed allot of info to absorb my general concerns are around repayments and building a buffer for any unexpected events that can arise, I am also not sure of the costs involved in purchasing a property and want to seek independent advise to purchase the right one but am unsure who is truly independent.

    Kind Regards

    Profile photo of maycefactor

    Thanks for your tips, agreed have been procrastinating for far too long ! that’s why I’m here !
    Appreciate your support

    Profile photo of BuyersAgentBuyersAgent
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 338

    welcome maycefactor, good questions…

    Buffers are a great idea, and the size of them depends on your SANF (sleep at night factor) many people use multiples of time, such as “what if my property was vacant for 6 months”, or “what if I was out of work for 3 months” the work out what you need to keep the ship from sinking. I advocate basic percentage if you are just doing quick calcs – such as 5% of total debt (or 10%) for the more conservative. Just put in in an offset or redraw somewhere and leave it there in case.

    Regarding costs – I generally find purchasing costs to be in the 4 – 5% range (being conservative) when you include stamp duty, solicitors, borrowing costs etc.

    Independence is important, but remember everyone in the property industry gets paid somehow. For example I am an independent buyers agent meaning I am paid by the buyer only, no other commissions or kickbacks and I act only in my clients interest. My business lives or dies by my working to get my client the best deal possible each time. Brokers are more independent than banks as they get paid across the board so can often get you better loan products than your local branch manager but they still get paid. Jamie M above is one of the good ones in broking (and no I don’t get paid to say that) Solicitors act for you but also charge. etc etc. Knowledge is important, and there is a wealth of it in the forums, so enjoy your reading time! Its important to build a quality team to help you progress in real estate, so check out references etc to make sure whoever you choose is trustworthy and then leverage as much of their experience as you can. This will speed things up rather than having to know everything about everything all the time.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at

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