All Topics / Help Needed! / Finding the right buyers

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  • Profile photo of Michelle

    Good Evening fellow Investors!

    Left Field request, Im an investment agent looking for some quirky ways to find the right buyers for my properties. Im in the process of creating my own website, but I firmly believe in the power of word of mouth and face to face advertising.

    Would you have any great seminars, meet ups or general places I could go to connect people?

    I understand this is a ‘different’ request, but I feel safe asking here as I’ve had some great responses from people off this forum before.
    Ill clarify though, I’m not here to advertise to you through this forum, Id prefer to ask for your opinions?

    Michelle | Belle Property
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    What do you mean by “investment agent”?

    Does this mean you have properties to sell?

    Are you a general sales agent working with an agency or do you have a block of new development stock to sell?

    The answers would depend on what you are selling.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at

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    I have my own agency and I sell stock. At the moment the majority of my stock is developers and builders own plus a few private dwellings, and I hope to expand and sell quite a few more existing dwellings in the future.

    I’m only young and new to this game, I’m lucky that I have someone in the industry who is looking after me, but its up to me to find the right buyers for the right properties.

    Aim of the game is to work for the investor and only offer them homes that suit their situation. There’s enough agents out there (IMO) who only care about their pockets. :)

    Without sounding cheesy, but a personal recommendation approach teamed with networking and face-to-face stuff is a far more comprehensive way to build a business.

    Michelle | Belle Property
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    Profile photo of BuyersAgent

    Aim of the game is to work for the investor and only offer them homes that suit their situation. There’s enough agents out there (IMO) who only care about their pockets. :)

    Without sounding cheesy, but a personal recommendation approach teamed with networking and face-to-face stuff is a far more comprehensive way to build a business.

    The challenge here is that you work for the person paying your bill. That is the builder. You can definitely help clients see the benefits of the houses, and you could (for example) help them run cash flow analysis of the investment to see their potential profits and losses. That would be more helpful than most agents. You can also use your people skills to communicate well with all parties. But at the end of the day you probably need to accept for yourself that you work for the other guy. You job is to sell well.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at

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    Agreed Knightm.

    I’m okay and don’t advocate myself as a buyers agent, more I only list stock that could work for investors as a whole. Which homes I then recommend to an investor depends entirely on the investors circumstances. I wont push everything I have for the sake of a sale.

    My query was how can I build my name and find investors? I don’t have the dollars to advertise myself much.

    Michelle | Belle Property
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    Profile photo of Corey BattCorey Batt
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,010

    Network and align yourself with related industries which may have clients looking for the type of stock you have available. Accountants, financial planners, brokers etc.

    Corey Batt | Precision Funding
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    Investment Focused Finance Strategist - servicing Australia-wide

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    Sherlock – sounds good and its an honest question and valid problem. In my business I see the good the bad and the ugly of how selling agents work, sounds like you want to be in the good category.

    So….if I was in your shoes lookign to build a name and find investors. I would start with an online presence, a website building my brand as helpful, knowledgable, offering free tips that help without expecting a sale upfront. Put those tips in a blog format, build a fb page following by offering free articles, or checklists or ebooks. Link it all up to linkedin profile and get your posts shared via buffer or hootsuite will make it easier. Once I had a bit of traction growing online through my existing networks I would invest some $ into paid advertising in a range of targeted local offline media (local paper, local letterbox drops, etc) and also some paid online marketing (boosting fb posts, ppc on google etc).

    Along the way you need to be helpful to each client and go over and above to serve them well. Towards the end of each transaction ask each client (sellers and buyers) for a short testimonial. Start to put those testimonials in blog posts, in your ads etc. Social proof is a big deal, the more you offer a culture of excellence, backed but a normal friendly request for people to share your story, you will get the vibe growing. Referral business is the cheapest most effective form of advertising. Its how my business built before I had spend a $ on ads.

    For an example of a selling agent who does all this quite well check out!blog/c16dx Penelope Nicholls she has a blog, posts to linkedin etc. She is helpful during the transaction but has a sense of the bigger picture and is always growing her “fan” base.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at

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    … and I would also agree with Corey that being helpful and getting to know brokers and accountants will be a great lead source. Combined with the above, you can grow.

    BuyersAgent | Precium
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    South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at

    Profile photo of Kinnon BellKinnon Bell
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 151

    Like Corey said – network. Get your name and brand out there. Hold an information night (not a property spruiking night). Have a few SME’s presenting on relevant topics to investing such as a quantity surveyor talking about maximising depreciation, a valuer talking about the market, a broker talking about lending solutions etc etc and have a pack to hand out that has everyone’s details.

    You become front of mind for investors and the other presenters (more than likely) would be happy to present for free or a small charge as they would be promoting their business too.

    Though, I would be wary of recommending houses based on someone’s situation as you’re leaning towards offering personal advice which you need quals and licences for.

    Kinnon Bell | Kinetic Funding
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    Mortgage & Personal Loan Broker based in Cairns and Melbourne but servicing clients Australia wide.

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