If you have $100000 to invest but had to invest it in Melbourne area property by next week. You’re looking for the best capital growth possible, with a decent enough rent to be able to support it. What area would you invest in?
Choices are
If you have any other areas that you think that are great. Im definitely open to hearing about it.
This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by yuley7575.
I have not done a heap of research on these areas but know them all quiet well. If you are looking for the best capital growth then I personally think coburg would beat the rest hands down. Coburg from what I have read is a bit of a hot spot at the moment as many of the inner melbourne suburbs on the same side are becoming quiet expensive. That being said if you were to go for a standard 80%LVR then I think you would be hard pressed to find anything even neutrally balanced out there so would need to support it yourself a bit. Coburg has all infrastructure and ameneties available to see it continue to grow. Melton I have read from a few posters is growing ok but not at the rate I suspect you would want.
Growing up in melbournes west I always saw a lot of potential in sunshine, when I purchased my PPOR I said to myself when I’m in a position to buy an IP it will be in sunshine. Seems now that I may have missed the boat as prices have skyrocketed since the “scumshine” days. Still though I think it’s a great spot as whilst it is getting expensive you can still find bargains. It has all the infrastructure you could need and is a stones throw from the CBD. It’s still a long way off but as far as capital gains is concerned I imagine the new CBD/Airport link could be a huge boost once completed.
The LVR available to you from a lender will come into play in determining where you could “afford” to buy. For instance, if you were able to get an 80% loan (or less, eg 70%) then your budget will be capped at around the $400k mark, which will have a big influence on suburbs and dwelling types that are in play.
I would like to have a IP with cash-flow positive rather then negative geared. Most likely capped around 400k. We are only on one salary at the moment but we have cash waiting to be spent on investing. If I’m looking at Coburg or Reservoir I think I will have to lay down more of a 20% deposit to make it positive cash flow, and I don’t think your going to get more then $250/week on rent in those areas. Looking to hold for 7-10 years, not sure if it better to have a interest only loan and hoping capital growth will pay dividends…or a P+I loan. Its all hypothetical at the moment as this will be my first investment property, and Im from overseas and not totally familiar with the areas of Melbourne at the moment, but if all goes well would love to purchase one in the next 6 months.
Thanks for all your thoughts and suggestions. Im still definitely trying to learn more and more by reading, and doing research a lot to take in, but with all this reading and research. I think I will y learn a lot more buying into a market and learning hands on with properties with as much preparation as possible. But reading from what other people have done and haven’t done is very valuable info. I will be asking more question on this forum for sure. There are some very knowledgeable people that are on here.
I would stay away from Melton too. I built my PPOR and lived there for nearly 5 years. The CG was awesome to begin with as it rode Melbourne’s wave but soon went backwards and is only just staring to recover now. But… Like someone else mentioned there’s too much vacant land and house and land packages being released that are keeping prices down. To add to that all the vacant land between Caroline Springs and Melton which will be built up eventually will keep the prices down in the long term too. The rail line will be electrified eventually which *may* help prices but the electrification has been talked about a long time now. Will believe it when I see it.
Any particular reason you’re wanting to invest in Melbourne? What’s your long term goals? Is it 1 or 10+ IP’s? Do you currently have a PPOR? You have $100k to play with which is a lot more than what some can say. You have a good base to start with and can go a long way with it.
Yeh, I think everyone is right about Melton. My wife thinks I’m crazy to invest there, with all the exact same points as everyone has mentioned. Not being here I’m just reading articles and researching growth areas that might hit. Everyone that I lives here says stay away from Melton.
We have our PPOR here in Melbourne and that is one of the reasons why we are looking to invest in Melbourne. Second, is that I have trust issues….so reading info, getting advice for me is sometimes hard to believe unless I have actually done it myself. This being my first IP here in Melbourne, I thought it would be best to be kinda hands on with seeing the looking at properties for my own eyes, instead of going out of state and trusting someone to do the work. As I get one under my belt to see how it goes..im sure my eyes and mind will open much more.
My long term goal if would be have enough cash flow properties to live off of. See how it goes with one, if that seem to be doing good, then a second and then..you never know how things will go. Reading some of these people on the forum with 10+ properties to their name seem like a pretty good strategy. We have about $400k just sitting in the bank doing nothing. But I want to start small with a property in the 250-350k range so i can get it positive geared instead of negative. So possibly 20%-40% depending on the figures to get the property gear positively. Im really still at the first stages of researching some properties and area. Now looking at Dallas to see if anything decent is there.
You don’t want to be creating a false economy in a way by pumping too much cash into the deal to make it CF+ either – better if the figures work without bucketloads of cash as it helps you leverage for future purchases without getting into negative territory. If you’d prefer a larger deposit you could do an 80% lend and leave the remaining funds offsetting your PPOR (assuming you have an offset account) thus maximising the tax deductibility of your investment property.
At the end of the day, it’s what you’re most comfortable with but sometimes it helps to challenge your thinking and comfort zone with what works best for the long term.
Well originally I was thinking of just going Interest only and hopefully pick a great area that is going to grow in capital. Hold for 7-10 years and sell and do it again in another area. Do this with 3-4 properties spread out over 5 years so buy, hold, and sell. Instead of 10+ properties for 30 years paying them off slowly. I don’t work so were only on one salary and I rather not negative gear or lose money even if it might save a tad on the tax breaks. But yeh, tons of things to consider when buying. CRAZY!
Well originally I was thinking of just going Interest only and hopefully pick a great area that is going to grow in capital. Hold for 7-10 years and sell and do it again in another area. Do this with 3-4 properties spread out over 5 years so buy, hold, and sell. Instead of 10+ properties for 30 years paying them off slowly. I don’t work so were only on one salary and I rather not negative gear or lose money even if it might save a tad on the tax breaks. But yeh, tons of things to consider when buying. CRAZY!
Sounds like a good plan. Similar to what I do – buy properties that support themselves (but at 90% LVR) with an IO loan. I then intend to hold until I reach the stage where CG has put my port folio at a ~50% LVR, sell half and live off the rent of the other half. Need to be wary of CGT though. Aiming for this in around 10 years time for me.
What about the new East Werribee Project. Near by property’s should benefit.
Definitely not Melton.. Boaganville with heaps of land and new House land packages from 249k…??!!
What about the new East Werribee Project. Near by property’s should benefit.
Definitely not Melton.. Boaganville with heaps of land and new House land packages from 249k…??!!
There is always a special scent in the air in Werribee, has this changed?