Would it be possible to list 10 (or more) of the most recent posts on the front page under “latest from the forum”?
I can’t speak for others, but when I head to the forum (which I’ve been known to do a little too often) I usually only respond to posts that are listed under “latest from the forum” – and there’s only 5 posts under the title.
A “report abuse/spam” button would be good as well.
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Jamie Moore.
Yes that is how I do (or did it) Jamie. I want to come on and see what posts have been made since my last visit – like a ‘active topics’ button. It takes too long to look through each different forum to find them now.
Yes that is how I do (or did it) Jamie. I want to come on and see what posts have been made since my last visit – like a ‘active topics’ button. It takes too long to look through each different forum to find them now.
Goodluck with that. Site is actually getting worse. Under the ‘Last Post’ column the title of the thread and who posted is mismatched now.
The text view option in the text box has disappeared so we’re stuck with BB code options only. Not that the text actually worked properly anyway. When you cut and paste into it it brings html formating code with it from wherever one copied from.
This iteration would make a good case study in how to kill a forum with poor design and worse implementation.
Some members are being pretty rude on this thread. I am a new user and didn’t get to see the old forum but like the look and feel of this one.
It’s simple and clean and easy to use. Of course there are a few issues and fixes that can be made to improve the functionality and experience of the site. That’s why this thread is here for: To point out issues members are having and not complaining like high school children.
If you don’t like the site there is always the stylish somersoft forum, that has been stuck in 1990, that might be more your cup of tea.
Steve, the issue I had was finding out how to make my first post. Maybe put a “create post” button on top. I think someone else pointed this out already.
I also have a question about the “thumbs up/down” and “star” rating system. Why do some posts have one or the other?
Some members are being pretty rude on this thread.
That’s why this thread is here for: To point out issues members are having and not complaining like high school children.
LOL …Pot Kettle Black
We’re in an experiment. We have amatuer IT enthusiasts trying to figure out how to make an open source platform with third party plug-ins work while trying to maintain a functioning forum.
What you and McNight fail to realise is that the members of a forum, regardless of who provides it and their motivations, invest considerable social capital, time etc in its identity, atmosphere and ultimately its usefulness.
McNight thinks we owe him something because he’s provided a platform for social interaction. He has no respect for this audience or any other. He’s a My way or the High way, like it or lump it kinda guy. He wants civility and understanding shown here but by his actions ignores those very attributes. He disappears when challenged and tries to silence those who criticise him by arbitrarily deleting accounts.
McNight would be better off learning to apply the more appropriate leadership style for this particular task. We might actually end up with a functioning forum platform for once.
The Authoritative Style:
Authoritarian leaders are also known as autocratic leaders. They provide their expectations very clearly as in what needs to be done and how. But researches show a lack in creativity in an authoritarian leadership, as the authoritarian leader makes decisions independently with little or no inputs from the group. The detrimental aspects of this leadership style viewed are being bossy, dictatorial and controlling to the core. This leadership style can be used at its best in situations when there is very little time for group decision making or when the leader is the only knowledgeable member of the group.
Traits of an authoritarian leader:
-Rarely lets the members of the group to make decisions, because he believes that his expertise and experience makes him the most qualified
-Regards his views and thoughts to be the most accurate
-Found to be very critical when taking decisions and opinions that are different from his own
-Not certain about the abilities and potentials of others
-Seldom gives an encouragement or recognition for work done well
-Takes the ideas of others only if he agrees or accepts with them
-Benefits from others often
-Highly competitive and action oriented
The Consultative Style:
Consultative leadership is basically task oriented and always focuses on the end result by using the skills of others in formulating plans and taking decisions. But then the final decision making power is always retained with the leader. But still, that final decision is not arrived at without looking for inputs from the members who will be affected by the decision. The consultative leadership stands out through its attempt to involve people who have problems in seeking ideas for the solution. This way, it helps those to develop leadership and decision making ability in them. Team building is a prime target in Consultative leadership.
-The leader takes up the role of a mentor / player and becomes the facilitator of the team
-Usually [not always] accepts ideas and thoughts from the team even when it contradicts with his own
-Pays more attention in stimulating creativity and innovation
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Long John.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Long John.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Long John.
We are reading your suggestions, and we are making good progress with many changes you’ve requested.
For instance, this week we will be providing the viewing options for latest posts, fixing bugs with the thumbs up / thumbs down ( bug with the plug in source code which we have fixed for them). We are also inching closer to the home page we want as opposed to what you see at the moment (which is largely placeholder text).
So…. hang in there, and keep letting us know your ideas for improvements.
We’re in an experiment. We have amatuer IT enthusiasts trying to figure out how to make an open source platform with third party plug-ins work while trying to maintain a functioning forum.
Perhaps its time to start your own forum lol
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Bennytee.
I used to like the way it showed which threads had been added to since you last looked.
Steve thank you for this great forum. I guess we are creatures of habit and don’t like things to change. But once we get used to a new way we realise that the old way may have not been so great after all.
Thanks for the heads up on the signature. We are on that one too and will soon be implementing a new system for it.
You see, when we ported over the data from the old forum, we just did it as ‘text’. As a temporary hack, we kept the signature block as it was, and made a wish list to upgrade it.
So, within the next 14 days, you will see a new system that will provide the opportunity to list:
1. Name / Username / Business Name
2. Web address (link)
3. Email (mailto) / Phone (mouse over)
4. One line of text to describe your business / famous quote, etc.
(The signature feature will be accessed through the member’s profile section.)
This will hopefully cut down on the amount of editing moderators have to do on overzealous signatures, and at the same time allow posters to promote themselves in an appropriate way.
– Steve
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Steve McKnight.
One change that i found would be usefull would be that when you click on a link it opens in another tab and not in the same tab that your reading. this way you can finish reading and then click on the tab. a