I'm trying to find a list of all brisbane suburbs and their average capital growth over the past ten years. I'm not having much luck finding the information. Can anyone suggest where I could find this information? For free if possible but paid is fine if necesary.
Welcome aboard !! In the past, Home Price Guide provided this data – it used to be free, but now costs a bit (I think).
The API magazines (Australian Property Investor) also provide a lot of this data. I have some back issues that I would be willing to move on at a really good price if it helps (I bought them regularly between 1999 and ~2005).
Their data would alternate between rental incomes and median values from one issue to the next. These figures would usually include a comparative "12 months prior" set of figures. Data was typically by suburb, so the back issues paint a city-wide perspective if it helps.
I haven't bought them now for some time, so can't comment on what they provide today.
That's great thanks, I'll take a look at those. If your API issues were a bit more recent I'd consider it but it's really the last 10 years that I'm after.
I've just noticed on domain in their stats they mention "Long Term Trend". Does anyone have any idea how many years this data is from? 5, 10, 20 years?
Oh, I thought you wanted to see "10 year's growth" (which a 2004 issue of API would do, by comparing each suburb to today's API charts).
But if wanting to see the spurts of growth within the last ten years, how would a select bunch of API mags do ??? e.g. buy one back-issue for each of 2005, 2006, 2007, etc – I think they would still sell these. They used to advertise back-issues in each API mag – a new one today would probably provide you with a contact address still.