All Topics / Value Adding / Is my granny flat too small for two bedrooms?

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  • Profile photo of alfrescodining

    It's 47sqm on the current design.

    I'm constrained on all sides. I know the Council/state codes inside out and this is the biggest I can possibly get. The location of the house makes it hard too.

    What I would like advice on is whether I'm being ridiculous squeezing in two bedrooms or whether I should make it one big bedroom. Would tenants find it so unappealing that its not worth squeezing in two bedrooms?

    I've got a design prepared. I can email it to anyone who is interested.

    Bedroom 1 = 11sqm

    Bedroom 2 = 7.5sqm

    Bath = 4sqm

    Living/dining room = 16sqm

    Rear courtyard is 12sqm

    Thanks guys

    Profile photo of matrix5 projectsmatrix5 projects
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 1

    Send me a plan if you would like.
    The average bedroom size these days is approx 3m X 3m

    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    To the administrator, it would be really good if you could upload pictures from the computer, not just a link from a website.

    Profile photo of SeanWilsonSeanWilson
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 26

    Hey mate,

    You want to have a minimum for a single bedroom (2.4wx3.0L)

    For a master bedroom minimums are (3.6wx3.3L)

    Profile photo of Made_ManMade_Man
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 35

    at 47sqm i would do 1bdr as the overall size would be really small.

    Profile photo of TheFinanceShopTheFinanceShop
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,271

    I would do a 1 bedder as well but it depends on the area. I had one client do a 3 bedroom 60sqm GF because it was close to the uni and we was just renting out the rooms.

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    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
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    I remember seeing a 70m2 three bedroom townhouse in the Logan area of QLD once – very pokey!



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of vagirl2012vagirl2012
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 47

    2br would make is pretty cozy, but it would depend on the area as to whether you can get a 2 br renter.

    Profile photo of BrazenBrazen
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 47

    You can certainly fit 2 bedrooms into a 45 sq m granny flat (as a minimum) bit it does get a bit tight to be honest. Some tenants prefer bigger (or more) granny flat bedrooms whilst others want more living and dining space. The reality is that, for rental advertising, two bedrooms sounds better than just one. That is, it will get more rent as a 2 bedroom structure.

    Here are some variations of one and two bedroom granny flat designs which have been built in Sydney: 

    Brazen | Granny Flat Approvals Sydney
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    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Everyone's responses have been very helpful – thankyou!

    I just wish I could post a plan of it.

    What about the idea of having only 12 square metres as a backyard?

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