All Topics / General Property / reviews on B invested property investment agents

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  • Profile photo of waydo77

    Hi everyone

    Has anyone had any experience with b invested’s property investment agents?
    I have heard of a few of there deals and they look like they know how to get bargains in the market…

    Any thoughts appreciated cheers

    Profile photo of Freckle

    It isn't rocket science. Both principles of BI can do this stuff on the fly in their head because they've taken the time to learn and practice the skills required. They have a very aggressive approach to PI and think outside the square when looking at deals.

    Neither employed others to do their leg work that enabled their success and that should speak volumes to the budding PI. If people need a crutch in this business I suggest they find another occupation. Perhaps knitting.

    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Freckle you crack me up.

    I thought I would join the white side for 1 comment before I go back to my overseas section haha.

    I consider Nathan as one of the best and most genuine property guru's in Australia.

    Taught me a lot there is to know about how the game works.

    Thanks and have a great day.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404
    Freckle wrote:
    It isn't rocket science. Both principles of BI can do this stuff on the fly in their head because they've taken the time to learn and practice the skills required. They have a very aggressive approach to PI and think outside the square when looking at deals.

    Neither employed others to do their leg work that enabled their success and that should speak volumes to the budding PI. If people need a crutch in this business I suggest they find another occupation. Perhaps knitting.

    Rubbish. Daniel learnt everything he knows and was guided by Nathan. He didn't learn without help. He is now an experienced investor who really knows his stuff. We all start somewhere.

    There is no stigma to getting help to start. Much better than dilly dallying for years not knowing what to do.

    I wouldn't hesitate in recommended Nathan and Daniel. They know their stuff and are ethical and great to deal with.

    Profile photo of Freckle

    Not talking about learning but employing others to do the leg work. You can learn all the game theory you like but at some point you have to put your boots on and get in the game.

    My take is that Waydo is looking to buy prequalified leads.

    Would I recommend them? – depends. From personal and direct inside knowledge I know they've got a problem with how they look at customers. Daniel needs to up his game in that area.

    Profile photo of Freckle
    engelorumora wrote:
    Freckle you crack me up.

    I thought I would join the white side for 1 comment before I go back to my overseas section haha.

    I consider Nathan as one of the best and most genuine property guru's in Australia.

    Taught me a lot there is to know about how the game works.

    Thanks and have a great day.

    In my life I've learnt far more from the dodgy buggers than the good guys.

    Profile photo of waydo77

    Has anyone used their service? Do they pass on their skills as such along the way do you know?

    I have been following Nathan for some time and know he knows his stuff, Just dont have the time currently to do my own searching and researching yet….

    It seems nathan isnt the kind of guy that keeps everything to himself, so i was hoping to learn a few skills through the process if i go with them

    Profile photo of waydo77

    any reviews from people that have used them?

    Profile photo of PEACHY

    We almost did as freckle and a few others know.

    Daniel did a good first meeting that got us pumped and made us feel important. We were 90% of the way convinced but something didn't sit right with me. I did some research and also asked some of the members on here privately for their opinion. There were some concerns over vals among other things. 

    We expressed our interest in proceeding with the $10k buyers agent fee with a list of about ten questions. Unfortunately for Daniel he mistakenly sent an internal salesforce memo about us to us…thank god!! Apparently I "asked too many questions", "stupid crap" like "how many clients have you aided in purchasing ten plus properties?" And "do you take credit card for the fee?" as a couple of varying examples. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it!

    Essentially the memo was for the secretary or whoever to give us a call and tell us that they were full and not taking on anymore clients (because I asked too many questions). It's funny as during our meeting he had talked about a couple who had been really skeptical and how he didn't have time for that. He told us that to get rid of them he told them they weren't taking on anymore clients…sound familiar? Basically it was to make us feel like it was an exclusive opportunity and I guess to prep us not to ask too much.

    The whole experience Made me pretty cranky but we were relieved it happened at that point rather than later.

    in fairness Nathan had the guts to call me to apologise. Apparently Daniel had a bad week. I told him that Daniel shouldn't write things down that he doesn't want clients to see and that he should brush up on his salesforce skills. Nathan did offer his personal help which I politely declined. 

    The positive out it all is that I realised there is some lovely people who will offer advise – eg freckle who spent two hours of his time on the phone and didn't charge $299 an hour. I still think you are one of the most intelligent people I have ever spoken with Freckle :)

    anyway that is our experience!

    Profile photo of wilko1wilko1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 510

    Peachy I think stories like. Give you that sick feeling when you realise they were just having you on, because you really are a sales number/ just a customer and revenue source.

    I remember listening to one of Steve's live webinars for his 1st tour of duty tour in US. I don't know who was controlling the microphone but after they finished the webinar. The microphone was still on and audio transmitting, i turned the volume up on the stereo, They forgot to turn off and proceeded to have a conversation about how "did we just make 200k in a hour" and discussing it, also compared it with the lucrative property mentoring program that they did a few years back.

    When the edited version of the webinar came out, I think they realised their mistake. Just goes to show that people have a camera persona and also a personal persona

    Profile photo of Johny AppleseedJohny Appleseed
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 7
    PEACHY wrote:
    Unfortunately for Daniel he mistakenly sent an internal salesforce memo about us to us…thank god!! Apparently I "asked too many questions", "stupid crap" like "how many clients have you aided in purchasing ten plus properties?" And "do you take credit card for the fee?" as a couple of varying examples. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it!

    in fairness Nathan had the guts to call me to apologise. Apparently Daniel had a bad week. I told him that Daniel shouldn't write things down that he doesn't want clients to see and that he should brush up on his salesforce skills. Nathan did offer his personal help which I politely declined. 

    B-Invested are learning that an organisation's culture is created and maintained at the top, it's from the top down that the team learn what is acceptable behavior. Therefore what is acceptable at the top is acceptable all the way down. I such a small business as B-Invested, it is the fact it was written down just shows you how the organisation thinks as a group. The issue here is there is no grey hair at the top to show them that they have lost their way. 

    Profile photo of Modernity Investing

    Familiarity Breeds Contempt is the old saying: Learning to always respect the client and not get sucked into worshiping the dollar is a lesson that takes an incident like this to learn.

    We have all made the mistake of taking someone for granted, in this case it was their clients and publicly, it has worked out to be expensive for Nathan & B invested, nobody likes loosing a client though bad service. I am sure that at heart, B invested are trying to do the right thing, sometimes when you take you eye off the ball and the dollar signs are flying around you can get arrogant, I am very pleased to hear Nathan called you, it shows Nathan is willing to face up and repair the relationship.

    I am sure there were a few changes at B invested after this happened. 

    Modernity Investing
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    Profile photo of Freckle
    wilko1 wrote:
    ……and proceeded to have a conversation about how "did we just make 200k in a hour" and discussing it, also compared it with the lucrative property mentoring program that they did a few years back.

    Whenever someone, who's livelihood is integrally connected to the industry and who says, "I do it to help people", I just cringe.

    Profile photo of Modernity Investing

    + 1 Freckle

    Modernity Investing
    Email Me

    Profile photo of PEACHY

    Oh gosh Wilkins that is disappointing but I have to say after my experience not surprising. I was quite shocked to find also that there are obviously more referral relationships that govern what people say on here than I had realized. Eager to help in a public setting but very quiet when approached privately with more confronting questions!

    Profile photo of andy_123andy_123
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 1

    Hi everyone,

    I just thought id add my two cents on B invested also. I engaged their service last year when I was looking for advice on on building a property portfolio and the possiblity of using a buyers agent. It must have been early days when I saw them as the office was still being setup you could say (im not sure if their services have changed). When I met Daniel it was a whirlwind of information (after he was 10 mins late) which was alot to take in. I essentially left the meeting confused and all I had to show for $300 was an A4 page with 6 boxes drawn on them which represented houses….

    I feel that there was not enough information provided to myself and everything was just basically rushed which was why I did not engage their services. If I had to recommend anyone I would go with Destiny (Margaret Lomas's) company as there is a large focus on education there rather than someone buying a property for you at 10 grand a pop.


    Profile photo of waydo77

    any other buyers agents people would recommend for buying through for positive cash flow properties under market value?

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
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    Which State are you looking in Waydo?


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of waydo77

    queensland or nsw but open to anything really (did a bit of reasearch in SA but unable to find reasonable yields in suburbs with any sort of growth potential)

    Profile photo of TyjyrkaTyjyrka
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 1

    Just called B invested as one of my friends wanted to use them and I thought I would do a little research on his behalf. Well after speaking with 3 different people that essentially told me that they were a Buyers Agency, another person rang to make an appointment and charge $295 for a phone consult.

    They way they conducted themselves on the phone gives me serious doubts on their ability to build myself or anyone else a multimillion dollar property portfolio.

    A friend that has about 20 houses in Sydney east told me that unfortunately PI is all legwork and people that are serious investors generally don’t have consulting businesses on the side or write books about it.

    I am a person that always looks to read 100 books and attend 100 seminar and then follow the advice, the reality is that the real top notch investors make their money in property not by charging $10,000 to buy a unit in Cairns.

    Can someone please prove me wrong – as I would prefer to use a paid service of a great buyers agent!

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