All Topics / Help Needed! / Commonwealth bank reduces servicing to 8%!

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  • Profile photo of westnbluewestnblue
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 35

    I just got a call from my bank manager saying and future purchases will be hard as they can only use 8% of the annual rent for loan servicing.

    It seems strange that they used to use 80% of income now only 8%.  

    So from my understanding if you have $200 p/w in income you only have $16 p/w for servicing the loan aka max loan $16,000!

    This just doesnt affect mining purchases, this affects any investor in any area.

    CBA statement:

    "On Monday 25 November 2013, all Home Loan/Investment Home Loans and Lines of Credit reliant on rental income from a residential security for servicing must not exceed the 8% rental yield.

    "All applications (including Home Seeker) decisioned after Sunday 24 November 2013, will be subject to the new rental yield cap…

    "Customers who earn greater than 8% p.a. rental yield must be advised that the Bank can only use the maximum of 8% p.a. rental yield for servicing."

    Only thing i could find out about it

    Profile photo of FreckleFreckle
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,680

    Somebody want to explain the difference to him/her between rental income and rental yield.

    Profile photo of westnbluewestnblue
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 35

    you mean profit after expenses?

    Profile photo of westnbluewestnblue
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 35

    ok understand now if you pay $100,000 for the property and the rent is $8,000 p/a your yield is 8%.


    Profile photo of FreckleFreckle
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,680
    westnblue wrote:
    ok understand now if you pay $100,000 for the property and the rent is $8,000 p/a your yield is 8%.


    Give that boy a coconut!

    Profile photo of jmsracheljmsrachel
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 711
    Freckle wrote:
    westnblue wrote:
    ok understand now if you pay $100,000 for the property and the rent is $8,000 p/a your yield is 8%.


    Give that boy a coconut!

    Not really a true indication. Don’t forget insurance, rates, land tax, and the list goes on……

    Profile photo of Colin RiceColin Rice
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 338

    They will still use 80% of the rental income or 8% gross yield, whatever comes first.

    500k property that you claim recieves 50K/annum rent (10% yield) will then be assesed at 8% or 40k/annum regardles of what the actual rent is.


    Colin Rice | CDR Finance
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    Perth Based Mortgage Broker - Investment Property Finance Specialist | E: [email protected]

    Profile photo of ArnoldusArnoldus
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 4

    Looking in my own backyard and what's happened in Moranbah, Dysart, Blackwater, and Emerald, it seems CBA is finally wisening up to the risks of investing in mining towns.

    Profile photo of tommytuckertommytucker
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 82

    There's a place called Blackwater? Awesome. Blackwater Park is one of my favourite albums.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Yes Tommy a Western Qld town which 10 years ago people only passed thru and didn't stop.

    They then found some black stuff called coal and the whole world wanted to know the town. 

    Some people did very well investing in mining towns but just as many bought at the peak of the market and are sitting on negative equity and reducing rents.

    CBA are only coming in line with a lot of other lenders.

    Personally we never put any clients into mining towns so have not been affected but i have financed many a deal for clients buying such investment.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    As always, any "goldrush" is all about the timing, get it wrong and you're reduced to living in a tent in the Klondike.

    For that reason we have avoided buying motel(s) along the NSW coalseam.

    Prefer to buy in areas where there are diversified and sustainable reasons for the investment to continue to provide a reliable ROI.




    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

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