My name is John Carney and I’m a real estate investor and developer with 17 years of experience in both Australia and the US.
Smart real estate investment is a team sport. I believe that everyone has the ability to be a profitable property investor in either country with the right team in place. There is no better time than right now to get started.
Hi John, Welcome to the forum.
How long have you been operating in the States? What makes Pheonix an attractive investment for overseas buyers? no need to explain AZ, every man and his dog is promoting Atlanta.
N.B you weblink on your signature does not work as spelling is incorrect.
I am a property developer and builder here in AU – Brisbane. We have a few investment properties, and predominately buy land/build and sell. I have read three of Steve McKnight’s books and have always had the thought of investing in the US floating in the back of my mind.
Only in the last 2-3 months have I really started researching and planning. I have been speaking with two companies – US INVEST and House Buyers USA. Any one have any reference to either two companies or recommend a trusted broker to purchase through ?
Also, have read all comments in this blog, mainly looking for past experiences and success/fail stories. But was interesting to see a few different areas pop up through comments. A lot of the research I have been doing, points to apparent obvious areas – Texas, Georgia and Florida. Atlanta seems to be the most popular city people are investing in, a little concerned that prices might be already inflated with so much hype and I might have possibly missed the mark on that city ? Thoughts ?
Also any insight to upcoming areas with strong demand and high growth, would be appreciated. I think I am going to put some more research together and plan a trip to view some areas and properties. Any advice would be appreciated !
I am a property developer and builder here in AU – Brisbane. We have a few investment properties, and predominately buy land/build and sell. I have read three of Steve McKnight’s books and have always had the thought of investing in the US floating in the back of my mind.
Only in the last 2-3 months have I really started researching and planning. I have been speaking with two companies – US INVEST and House Buyers USA. Any one have any reference to either two companies or recommend a trusted broker to purchase through ?
Also, have read all comments in this blog, mainly looking for past experiences and success/fail stories. But was interesting to see a few different areas pop up through comments. A lot of the research I have been doing, points to apparent obvious areas – Texas, Georgia and Florida. Atlanta seems to be the most popular city people are investing in, a little concerned that prices might be already inflated with so much hype and I might have possibly missed the mark on that city ? Thoughts ?
Also any insight to upcoming areas with strong demand and high growth, would be appreciated. I think I am going to put some more research together and plan a trip to view some areas and properties. Any advice would be appreciated !
Hi Sutcom,
Welcome to the forum.
The best advice I can give is to focus more on the people you are looking at doing business with over the stats and demographics of a particular area.
“Business is easy, people make it difficult”
Thanks for reading and ill see you around the forum.
Have a great day.
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by EngeloRumora.
I am also looking to invest in the US and have been looking very closely at US Invest for a turn key solution. At least for my first one. They help set up your LLC, provide the property and then manage it. They also have accountants and legal people to help through tax returns, issues, etc. From the research I have done on their available properties it appears that they mostly buy distressed houses and flip them. Some I have been able to match up to Trulia and the flipping is obvious in previous sales, but also some are up for general sale and the prices are similar to what they offer to US Invest members. Sometimes cheaper to members. Does anyone have any experience with US Invest?
If you decide on a property just get an independent appraisal… do not take Zillow or Truilas values as accurate they are all across the board and are really a JOKE with us investors. And only use an Appraiser you personally contact and YOU personally pay for.. that is the only way you will get true values in the US.. if you don’t want to spend any money and its cheap insurance. then talk to property managers in the market places your interest in and get what the rental rates are from them and what they think the values are.
It does seem more difficult than expected to get views of US Invest. Usually I can pick up reviews, comments or whatever for most topics via google searches, but US Invest just does not raise any reviews or comments.
No one wants to reply on my other post with the awesome deal I just bought??? lollol
Independent appraisals are the way to go.
If you can buy at market or slightly below from a turnkey company. I would consider that excellent buying. Especially when investing from out of country.
I have a full time partner in Florida and have just spend the last three weeks on the ground. We took nearly 3 months putting this deal together. So yes a huge amount of due diligence. Once the deal closes on the 12 September I will put up a detailed review
Agree nigel – I’ll talk more with you about the topic we spoke about before you left. We have a new office at 304 Middleborough Rd Blackburn which I am at most days so drop by.
Ivan you and I should talk about smsf for us Property
I believe a post of mine was deleted for ‘advertising’ interesting – certainly not advertising….when I believe I said I would provide info on an organisation that was asked about by Craig….
Not quite show how I was advertising when I was talking about a property we are closing on in the United States. In other words I am talking about something I have done not promoting
It does seem more difficult than expected to get views of US Invest. Usually I can pick up reviews, comments or whatever for most topics via google searches, but US Invest just does not raise any reviews or comments.
No reviews or comments!!… that should scare the hell out of you!!