All Topics / Help Needed! / Where to start – build queries

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  • Profile photo of omlairomlair
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1


    My mother has a fairly large block of land – 700m2 with a house on it.  The house will need to be torn down.  

    I'd like to build a duplex on it, just wondering where to start for someone who has no frickin idea.

    I think we'd need to have the current house removed first, and find a builder.  Can someone direct me to any forum topics discussing builders in melbourne?

    Could you also give me an idea of how much I should expect to pay for a duplex, each with 3 BR, 2 Bath?  

    Appreciate I'm being very open ended but we have limited resources and in the end we may just need to sell the land off if it doesn't look like we can manage it financially.

    Any advice appreciated.



    Profile photo of GrantMckGrantMck
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 36

    Hi Tanya,

    I suggest your first visit should be to your local council, and talk with the Building Department to see what can be built on the site, and to also check if there are any easements that may hinder your ideas (restrictions on where you can build on the block, common easements are storm water drains, sewerage or underground power), along with any covenants as well.

    Dependent on size and finishes, the averages we see would be between $1000-$1300 per square meter to build, but there may be additional costs with preparing the site, along with costs to Strata Title as well. It is a very open answer but hopefully this gives you some information to begin with.

    Cheers Grant

    Profile photo of PRO Victoria

    Hi Tanya,

    First step before approaching a builder would be to find out if you can get a planning permit to build a duplex on the site.  If it is probable that you can gain planning permission to construct a duplex then you would move onto the feasibility of the project which would identify all the costs of the development (plans, permits, construction, water/sewerage connections etc) and the estimated profits if any of the duplex development.  From there you can determine if you have the financial resources to make the project happen or if you need to sell off the land.

    If you PM me the address I can reply in this thread, with site details removed, whether it is probable that you would be able to gain planning permission for a duplex on the site.

    Profile photo of PRO Victoria


    As you mention in your PM there is a precedent for one into two lot subdivisions in the immediate area so a planning permit for what you propose should be attainable.

    Just for your reference, the property is within the Residential 1 Zone (R1Z) with no overlays allowing for new dwellings up to 9m in height and a total site coverage of 60%.

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