All Topics / Value Adding / Costs of services to new developments

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  • Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Good evening.  Would appreciate any advice people can give about costs per dwelling of electricity, water/sewer, and phone to a new townhouse development, particularly in NSW. 

    Profile photo of wilko1wilko1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 510

    Are you talking about about services once you are inside your own boundary?

    How many townhouses?

    For electricity – Powerline companies can do scoping, where look at your property and number of dwellings being built and determine if you need upgrades to transformers etc or if its ok. Power inside the boundry seek quotes from electricians.

    Water – usually statutory water charges but now it depends on if your doing community titled or torrens (green) titled home. As obviously the latter is going to be more expensive.

    Local state water authority will do things like sewer and mains extensions (this should always be part of your due diligence to determine that mains and sewer run past the development beforehand or factor in this cost).. Plumbers take can of internal so seek quotes based on plans from them. Coordination with electricians is essential here can run pipes in same trench at different heights. Cost saving

    Telephone. Telstra will connect to the pole. Networks and most electricians can do data wiring as well.

    its hard to give specific prices because more detail is required.

    surveyors can give you the community title statutory water fees, land division and any Open space fund contributions needed

    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Thanks Wilko. Its two new townhouses, on a proposed battle axe allotment behind my existing house. And yes I'm only talking about connections to the grid, not in the property. Does $20,000 for water and sewer sound right? And I've got no idea how much electricity and phone connections to the grid would cost. I'm assuming I don't need any new substations or anything since its not an old suburb.

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