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  • Profile photo of Cugino


    Has anyone done the Results Mentoring Program? If so, would you refer it to someone wanting to do it but low on $$$?



    Profile photo of ChrisA1

    Hi Robert

    Here are some links from people who have done the course. You might like to contact them directly to talk through your situation.


    Persistence is 'to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be'

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
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    Hi Cujino.

    Not much info to go on as far as your situation, but happy to say we did it a few years ago and it was money well spent. 

    The guidance and info was very helpful.

    Having an experienced mentor on tap for 12 months to run every idea by –  priceless.

    The get togethers were excellent too.

    It sure puts the battery in your bunny.



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    I haven't done the course, but know people who have.

    Unless you have money to invest during a mentoring programme, you probably aren't going to get the most out of it. A lot of the value is in having access to experienced people to assist you with investments at the time you are making them.

    Profile photo of ChrisA1

    Yes, I would agree.

    I think you would need to be ready to take action before undertaking a mentoring course such as this as they will be leading you through deals that you find and if you aren't able to act, it is all theoretical and you wouldn't get the most out of the course.


    Persistence is 'to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be'

    Profile photo of Drangon00Drangon00
    Join Date: 2005
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    Hi Robert,

    I was part of the program for 4 years and I would say that I highly recommend it, but like any program/course/educational product it's only as good as you are willing to put into it.

    Not sure what you mean by low on $$$ but assuming that means you have little income, the program will actually help you set up to invest if you arent ready right now ie.  money management, investing in low money down deals, and paying down debt.

    Maybe give them a call and ask to speak to a coach to run you through the program to see if it is for you.

    Good luck,


    Drangon00 | HWD Homes
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    Profile photo of Cugino

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your responses, it answered may questions and is greatly appreciated. @Dragon00, what I meant by low on $$$ is that I don't have much in savings for the initial cost as I just bought my first home, so, would it be worth saving for the early bird price?

    Best regards,


    Profile photo of bigkev2

    Hi Robert,

    I'm also interested in joining the Results Mentoring program this year based off feedback I've read. I also had a chat to one of the mentors over the phone (Tony) and he sounded quite knowledegable.

    However I'm also low on $$ and not sure I want to pay the full amount. You are allowed to enrol a partner (family member, spouse or business partner) for free though – would you be interested in going halves? If so, please PM me and I'd be happy to have a chat.



    Profile photo of bigkev2

    Hi all,

    I missed out last year but just went to one of the results mentoring seminars on the weekend and would like to join their program this year (2014). I have a special discount off the regular price for attending the seminar. I’m keen to partner with someone to go halves on the cost.

    I have only seen positive feedback so far on people who have done the program and also spoken to current and ex students who all think it was worthwhile.

    Would there be anyone out there interested in joining the program this year and interested in paying half? I need to get back to them this week!

    Profile photo of DwightDwight
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 42

    Highly encourage you to take the plunge bigkev as I have done it myself in the past and found it to pay off for me.
    If anyone else has the same idea as kev it makes great sense to partner together to get an outcome.

    Best of luck,



    Cashflow Positive Investor

    Profile photo of TheHunterTheHunter
    Join Date: 2014
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    Hi bigkev2,

    I am interested and have sent you a PM.


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