All Topics / Help Needed! / Young man seeking mentor

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  • Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones


    My name's Sebastian. I'm an 18 year old living in the Inner West of Sydney, originally from Byron Bay.

    I'm currently working full time, living very frugally (expenses under $120 P/W), and educating myself

    as much as possible.

    I've been researching property investment for the last couple of years.

    I have no prior experience in property investment. What I'd love is to strike up a friendship with a

    seasoned, or even fresh investor who enjoys passing on knowledge to willing ears. I love having

    lengthy conversations with greater minds. I find it inspiring and it always leads to growth for me.

    In return, I'm always happy to lend a hand. Whether this takes the form of helping out in a garden,

    baby sitting, I'd like to give back.

    I very much look to hearing from some of you.

    Kind regards,


    P.S If anyone is aware of property groups that meet up please leave a comment.

    Profile photo of Freckle

    Individual mentorship is a high risk proposition in this game. I have a landlady whose journey into PI via an experienced friend has been nothing short of a disaster. Less than 1% of 1% of investors have a clue about property. I know several people who own in excess of $5mil in property but have got there through good luck not good management. Then there's professional mentorship programs. Many are designed to separate you from your hard earned dollar. 

    Forums like this offer you the opportunity to express your ideas and strategies. Elaborating here enables others to critique your ideas from a variety of perspectives and offer solutions. You can think of forums as a lot like a nursery if your prepared to exploit it along those lines. That's what they're designed for. 

    Two things you need to get your head around in the early stages are behavioral not knowledge base. Patience and objectivity. Newby's are usually busting their britches to get in the game and consequently are prone to acting in haste. They tend to see an opportunity as something that should not be passed up. When you let an opportunity slide without feeling like you've just missed out on winning the lottery you'll have started to mature as an investor. Opportunities are endless so patience will always reward those who wait for the right opportunity.

    Objectivity can be hard to maintain in the early days. There'll be times when certain properties appeal to you at the emotional level. That's often a sign to give that one a miss. Emotional decisions in this game are rarely good ones. You need to be able to assess deals on the cold hard facts not because you think the fixtures and fittings are cool.

    Profile photo of TheFinanceShopTheFinanceShop
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,271

    What are you specifically trying to gain knowlegde in? 

    The forum is a good mentor and will save you plenty of dough.



    TheFinanceShop | Elite Property Finance
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    Residential and Commercial Brokerage

    Profile photo of Jacqui MiddletonJacqui Middleton
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2,539

    Very refreshing to see that you see mentoring as a two way street Sebastian!  (ie that you are keen to absorb information and even do the gardening for someone!)  Plenty of folks out there stumble onto forums demanding free information in a less than polite fashion.  Good manners and common courtesy will take you far smiley

    There will be many folks that will have an influence over your investing approach in some way or another.  Little nuggets of wisdom that spill out in the course of dealing with your accountant and mortgage broker are two examples.  Point being, be sure to choose your support crew wisely.

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    I very much appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed response. I can now see the downside of just having one person

    influencing my opinions, behaviours, and inevitably strategies. This forum seems very active, and I'm excited to fill my brain as much

    as possible, and have the communities feed back on strategies ect.

    I also really resonated with what you said about getting my head around behavioural aspects of PI, not just the knowledge side of things.

    Thanks again, Freckle.

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    At this stage, I'm at a very basic level. I'm learning very broadly, and haven't taken any preference into

    any form of strategy.

    I've seen some of the responses you have posted on some threads, Shahin. I love how upfront you are, haha.



    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    Like I said, I'm interested in developing a friendship as well. I've always enjoyed spending time with people more

    knowledgeable than myself.

    If a person is willing to spend time conversing with me,  I'd be more than happy to give back.



    Profile photo of Freckle

    You are already showing some of the traits required to achieve success. Goal seeking requires a certain amount of extrovertedness, aggression in pursuing objectives and resilience to failures. Life rarely progresses in a straight line. Others here won't drag you along. You have to push yourself along to get to where you want to go. There are many members here who sign up but do or say nothing. The lurkers.

    Getting involved in threads and discussions has to be a proactive pursuit by you. You can't catch fish if you don't throw your line in the water.There are no monsters here. Everyone here has been where you are and understands where you're coming from and the difficulties you face. If you choose to proactively tap into the knowledge base that exists here (and other forums) you will build relationships with professionals who will invariably become your investment team. They by default will mentor you in their areas of expertise.

    Profile photo of NHGNHG
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 198

    Great of you to start so early!

    First thing first, be sure to read-read-read and go to a lot of inspections. This way when you meet more knowledgeable investors, you can ask questions that will open you up to new possibilities.

    Also understanding the lingo (you'll pick it up by reading through past threads on this forum), means you can follow what they are sharing.

    In the meantime, try to determine what strategy will work for you. It will evolve over time, however having a direction and a plan of when and how you wish to retire (and what kind of person you wish to be) will mean you can move forward as oppose to sideways, backwards or nowhere.

    As Freckle stated, be patient. I rushed my first investment as I just could not wait to jump in, was okay, though didn't work out as well as I would have liked. Opportunities of a lifetime come once a week.

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I'm taking everything on board.

    I hadn't thought of attending inspections, good thinking! Cheers, mate.


    Profile photo of Freckle
    SebastianJefferyJones wrote:

    I hadn't thought of attending inspections, good thinking! Cheers, mate.


    And auctions. Watch people. Follow the body language. Look for patterns in behavior especially from RE agents and spruikers. Learn selling techniques so that you know when and how they're trying to manipulate you.

    Profile photo of MosicLandscapesMosicLandscapes
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 73

    There are also heaps of free seminars and events that you could attend (if you are confident you can resist the selling angle). I really like these events because it is an easy way of picking up the lingo and some key strategy points etc. Also a good place to network with other people who are interested in property, you could even put a shout out here to see if anyone from the forums is going.

    Many of the above people also have free DVDs they give out (again it is all a selling technique so go in with your eyes wide open).

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    I have attended, and will be attending these seminars in the coming months.

    Like you said, they're very frequently pushing a product. However, I find I always find they leave me

    feeling inspired, and seeing things from new angles; a pro to being so new to this

    form of education.

    Cheers mate.


    Profile photo of mattstamattsta
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 604

    I agree with previous responses. Check forums. It is the best mentor for you. Please do not pay money for any mentorship programs. Mostly it is just a waste of money and might get you into a debt.

    Profile photo of JothamJotham
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 47

    Also read books, I find you get a wealth of information out of Steves books and also Margaret lomas books.

    Profile photo of thecrest

    Hi Sebastian.

    You've started your journey, and this Forum is rich with knowledge and good people willing to share it.

    All the investors here know how to succeed, NHG nailed it too, read read read. If unsure of a strategy, work on motivational and general basics in the meantime with

    books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think & Grow Rich. Read what appeals. Search the Forum for "essential reading" and see what titles get the most recommendations.

    Perhaps from these a strategy will take shape. Haunt the Forum and you'll be plugged into a huge storehouse of knowledge and mentors.

    Great people hang out here.

    Good luck



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
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    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

     Thanks, thecrest,

    Yes, I've spent many hour 'lurking'. So much information on this forum.

    It's fantastic.

    Would you recommend Steve McKnight's titles?

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Sebastian from an aged forum member to a newcomer welcome.

    I don't think you can go far by joining in the forum banter and discussion and you will learn a lot from members with all areas of expertise.

    Read, educate and take nothing for granted and you won't go far wrong.

    I like your attitude about realising investor mentoring is a 2 way street.

    Good luck and make sure you hang around to ask questions.


    Yours in Finance


    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of thecrest

    Hi Richard.

    Is that a typo  ?       "  I don't think you can go far by joining in the forum banter and discussion  "



    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of SebastianJefferyJones

    Thanks for your welcome, Richard.


    This forum has definitely been a massive resource to me; So much new information.

    In saying that, I'm still hunting for someone to meet up with and chat to. To me, there's nothing

    like having lengthy, in depth discussions with a mentor.

    Alternatively, if you knew any property groups that meet up around the Sydney area, that'd be awesome.



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