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  • Profile photo of thefreethinker31

    Hello guys,

    I'm planning to start my own business and what better way than to use facebook to get people redirected to my website for orders. Can't mention the product though but its along the lines of healthy alternatives. So what do you guys think of the facebook likepage as a platform for marketing a product? Have you guys tried it? Was your page successful or was it a flop? I've seen other pages and their likes reach about 2,000.000 but does that translate to sales? Any plans or strategies that you used to build up your market? Is it even possible to sell products with the use of your facebook likepage? Hope you guys could help and even better if you could share your experiences. 



    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    We have a facebook page to keep clients up to date with investing info and product offerings – it's a great way to stay connected and reach out to a large audience. I would only use a facebook as part of a broader marketing strategy though – and not rely solely on it.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31
    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425

    I have found that my Facebook page has been useful. You can also have ads for Facebook that also work quite well and can be as little as $100 per month

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
    Email Me | Phone Me

    We have just launched a new website join our membership today

    Profile photo of Freckle

    You need to get your head around marketing and promotion 101. Facebook is simply a location with a sea of billboards. Imagine driving down a road and every 20m is a bill board. This goes on for miles. Somewhere in there is your one. How successful do you think that strategy will be?

    When you go to FB your simply duplicating the problem. Now you have to drive traffic to your FB page to drive traffic to your product page. So now you're effectively filtering your potential customers through another level. End result is you loose a percentage of possible visits.

    In marketing there are primarily 2 approaches – shot gun and rifle. There are variations on either approach as well.

    FB is the shotgun approach and Google ads is the rifle approach. You need to allocate a budget and then develop a marketing campaign/strategy that uses both approaches. Shotgun gets about 25% of the budget (if any) and rifle gets the rest.

    When you're selling products spend most of your time and money on SOE – search engine optimisation. Everyone looking for a something to buy uses a search engine. They rarely stumble across it. Most people see what the want in the offline world then go to the net to research it. That should give you another clue about how to market and promote.

    I can't be much more specific than that without knowing what your business and products are.

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31
    Freckle wrote:
    You need to get your head around marketing and promotion 101. Facebook is simply a location with a sea of billboards. Imagine driving down a road and every 20m is a bill board. This goes on for miles. Somewhere in there is your one. How successful do you think that strategy will be?

    When you go to FB your simply duplicating the problem. Now you have to drive traffic to your FB page to drive traffic to your product page. So now you're effectively filtering your potential customers through another level. End result is you loose a percentage of possible visits.

    In marketing there are primarily 2 approaches – shot gun and rifle. There are variations on either approach as well.

    FB is the shotgun approach and Google ads is the rifle approach. You need to allocate a budget and then develop a marketing campaign/strategy that uses both approaches. Shotgun gets about 25% of the budget (if any) and rifle gets the rest.

    When you're selling products spend most of your time and money on SOE – search engine optimisation. Everyone looking for a something to buy uses a search engine. They rarely stumble across it. Most people see what the want in the offline world then go to the net to research it. That should give you another clue about how to market and promote.

    I can't be much more specific than that without knowing what your business and products are.

    Thank you! That's very useful! I'm already having ideas on how to market my product. But sometimes it's really hard to get people to share your page. Though I guess it would be self liquidating if my product is worth buying. 

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31

    Thanks Nigel! I would definitely consider facebook ads. 

    Profile photo of Freckle
    thefreethinker31 wrote:
    Thanks Nigel! I would definitely consider facebook ads. 

    FB has an extremely poor record in ad effectiveness. I wouldn't waste my money. 

    You have to do your research on the various advertising mediums and understand what works and what doesn't. There are lots of businesses that will tell you their system is the bee knees. Get on the associated forums and get feedback from those actually using the various media advertising tools to see what's currently working and importantly how. You'll find some products do well in some formats and places while others don't. You have to figure out how to format your message and where to locate it for best effect. It's a dynamic process and always ongoing.

    Profile photo of Freckle
    thefreethinker31 wrote:
    Though I guess it would be self liquidating if my product is worth buying. 

    Look at same or similar products and see how others are doing it. Join merchant groups for support and ideas. 

    You're product is either needed or wanted. It's much easier to sell stuff that is wanted rather than needed. If you can figure out how to turn something that is needed and appeal to the emotional want side of a purchaser you will have an edge.

    Heaps to learn

    Profile photo of Gazza21Gazza21
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 54

    Facebook is the largest database you’ll ever have access to, to market your product.

    You can select who you want your ads to show up for based on all sorts of criteria like age, sex, interests/hobbies,marital/relationship status and location. For example within a 50 mile radius of Perth city.

    You only pay when somebody clicks your ad, not just for the number of impressions so if nobody clicks it hasn’t cost you anything to try.

    Social media advertising doesn’t work for everyone who tries it nor does tennis, but I would argue that its slightly more targeted than taking a shotgun to a crowd or paying for a big billboard that anyone could drive by.

    A good way to increase likes/page shares etc is to run a competition, just make sure you’re giving away something good enough for people to bother entering.

    Profile photo of JothamJotham
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 47

    There's a Social Media website called BuzZing I believe, it's worth a look.

    Profile photo of Made_Man

    I work in the marketing space and every client we have a promotion with as us to build them a like Page. We are currently doing an activation for a major drink companey at O Week (university orientation week). One of the key request was to increase likes. Now the reason this is so important is because every like they have on the Page is free advertising to that person. This is because whenever they make a post about the brand it comes up on the news feed of Anyone that lies the page. Now to go one step further if they like the post it will show up on the news feed of all the people they are friends with and so on.

    Profile photo of Freckle
    Gazza21 wrote:
    Facebook is the largest database you'll ever have access to, to market your product.

    FB is a rank amateur compared to Google and Yahoo who each have databases that dwarf FB's. FB has about 180k servers. Ggl has 900k+ and a software system called Spanner that makes FB look kinda primitive.

    FB is a better social media tool at present than it is an ad media tool. Google+ is taking share off them though.

    One mans view why FB ads are useless

    Profile photo of Freckle
    steve.t wrote:
    I work in the marketing space and every client we have a promotion with as us to build them a like Page. We are currently doing an activation for a major drink company at O Week (university orientation week). One of the key request was to increase likes. Now the reason this is so important is because every like they have on the Page is free advertising to that person. This is because whenever they make a post about the brand it comes up on the news feed of Anyone that lies the page. Now to go one step further if they like the post it will show up on the news feed of all the people they are friends with and so on.

    The problem with this approach is that it is increasingly being used by scammers and consequently will become avoided over time. FB is running into these problems because it is such a successful social medium. It offers a rich hunting ground for all sorts of nefarious activities. FB is actually loosing members in the US due to a whole range of issues from privacy to fraud to just people wanting their lives back.

    FB is an obvious target for a marketing campaign but I have my doubts to the cost (time and money) effectiveness and opportunity cost when there are better things to be doing for the newbie inet merchant.

    The next big struggle for FB is to make ads relevant on mobile platforms. This is a tough ask as more FB users move to mobile.

    This will simply exacerbate the problem advertisers must contend with when using the FB platform to deliver content. Another level of difficulty to master.

    Profile photo of Made_Man
    Freckle wrote:
    steve.t wrote:

    The next big struggle for FB is to make ads relevant on mobile platforms. This is a tough ask as more FB users move to mobile.

    yes this is a big problem for alot of brands however if you go to the facebook developer page you can create a like button that is placed on your website and when people click on it facebook likes go up. this is just 1 work around. you can even use iframes within facebook. the list just goes on and on if you know what your doing. 

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31
    Freckle wrote:
    thefreethinker31 wrote:
    Though I guess it would be self liquidating if my product is worth buying. 

    You're product is either needed or wanted. It's much easier to sell stuff that is wanted rather than needed. If you can figure out how to turn something that is needed and appeal to the emotional want side of a purchaser you will have an edge.

    Just another question. Wouldn't people buy more things that they need compared to what they want? Hmm. I guess this would require a long explanation but I guess I'd have to trust you on this one. :)

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31
    Freckle wrote:
    Gazza21 wrote:
    Facebook is the largest database you'll ever have access to, to market your product.

    FB is a rank amateur compared to Google and Yahoo who each have databases that dwarf FB's. FB has about 180k servers. Ggl has 900k+ and a software system called Spanner that makes FB look kinda primitive.

    FB is a better social media tool at present than it is an ad media tool. Google+ is taking share off them though.

    One mans view why FB ads are useless

    I guess creating a google page too for my product would be essential? :)

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31
    Gazza21 wrote:
    A good way to increase likes/page shares etc is to run a competition, just make sure you're giving away something good enough for people to bother entering.

    Actually a competition would be great! That's a great idea to increase likes I guess. Any other suggestions that you think might work? :)

    Profile photo of Freckle
    thefreethinker31 wrote:
    Gazza21 wrote:
    A good way to increase likes/page shares etc is to run a competition, just make sure you're giving away something good enough for people to bother entering.

    Actually a competition would be great! That's a great idea to increase likes I guess. Any other suggestions that you think might work? :)

    I swear you guys must like doing things the hard way.

    Read this. These guys are onto it.

    Trouble is though it reinforces how valueless 'Likes' really are.

    Profile photo of thefreethinker31

    Wow that's a great find! 

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