All Topics / Help Needed! / New To Investing and looking to get a Portfolio a few questions
Hello Newbie here to the forum.
Has anybody had dealings with a company called APAS & QMAS (Australian Property Advisory Service & Queensland Mortgage Advisory Service)
My Partner & I recently had a meeting with them and wonder if anybody had dealt with them before and there views.
Hello Paul and welcome aboard.
Haven't heard of them personally.
What does that company offer? Do they sell off the plan property and finance it as well?
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
Hi Jamie,
They claim to be a "One stop shop for service provisions in the fields of investment property acquisition, risk assessment, wealth creation and planning helping plan a self funded retirement.
They promote new properties rather than old. They source the properties that they believe are in good growth areas and only use quality builders.
I am just a bit weary as i have heard mixed reports on negative gearing.
PaulHi xkfalcon
Negative gearing isn't an issue per se – providing the property goes up in value at a rate higher than the cost of holding it.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the one stop shop – particularly those selling off the plan stock. Off the plan rarely makes for a good investment – particularly in a market that's not currently growing.
One of the major issues is when the valuation on the property doesn't come back at the purchase price – which can happen because the properties can be sold at a premium (there's big profits for the developers/sellers of this stock).
If you're keen on investing, then perhaps consider choosing your own independent professionals so you can avoid conflicts of interest. Choose your own finance person, accountant and solicitor. Source your own properties or engage an independent buyers agent to act on your behalf.
The fact that you've come to this forum indicates that alarm bells are already ringing for you.
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
Email Me | Phone MeMortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email:
I agree with xkfalcon, one stop shop rarely makes good investment. It will be a big loss if you will invest off the plan.
Off the plan (or new) would be one of the worst possible ways to create a property portfolio.
If you are really serious about building a portfolio then you need to look at strategies that allow you to add value otherwise all you are going to do is track the market.
Hi Paul,
I have recently met with these guys too. While they offered all the services, they didnt twitch when I said I would still use some of my own advisers.What happened with your process. Did you get out?
Email MeHi Jeff
How did your valuation go on the property the recommended?
Did they also disclose how much they got paid from the Vendor, developer or builder?
Interesting like all of them they only market BRAND new house & land packages.
I wonder why they don't promote properties that are 6 months old ? Let me ponder that one…….
Yours in Finance
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Jeff,
There are approximately 250,000 properties for sale across 15,000 suburbs in Australia. Of those properties you could say 100,000 are possible investment options. In reality only around 1000 properties on the market today would make a great investment property for you to hold in your portfolio. So the trick is not to buy one of the 249,000 other properties on offer.
The only way to find the right properties is by researching the market and knowing and clearly defining what you are looking for. So knowing your strategy and having your strategy clearly defined is absolutely key. With a clear strategy you'll have mastered 75% of the loss making issues you will encounter when building a portfolio.
<u>To say buying Off the Plan is not a good portfolio strategy is completely unsubstantiated nonsense</u>. I have very wealthy clients with 10, 20, and 50+ properties in their portfolios who have been buying Off the Plan continuously for 15+ years and they do know what they are doing. I have a couple of clients that buy one property every 60-90 days Off the Plan.
But don't get me wrong, if you buy one of the other 249,000 properties on the market for sale right now you will be buying a dud, and nobody wants to be doing that, an Off the Plan property or otherwise. Buying from a marketer company would one way of nearly guaranteeing that you are buying a dud.
When clients call me for help (for a portfolio rescue) they invariably have been dud'ed by a marketer company sometime in the past. I have one new client right now, who has 4 properties bought between 8 & 12 years ago. The best property is just gone positive cash flow (after 12 years) and has grown by 30%. The other three properties are still cost them $450.00 per week. They are both 55-ish and are starting to get scared that they wont be able to afford to retire. In this case they blame their accountant for telling them to go and buy a "Negatively Geared Property", what their accountant forgot to say was "in a high growth area". Our research shows that the average negatively geared property needs to grow at 8-8.5%p.a. to be a profitable investment.
Aim to buy into a area that's going to grow, buy the property the rental market most wants to rent (our research shows it's most likely to be four bedroom houses & 1 bedroom apartments), buy the affordable product and not the most expensive. There are less renters as the rents get higher.
Buy for Yield (to hold your asset), Growth (to build your wealth), Tax credits (to increase your portfolio's efficiency)
- Principal Place of Residence is all about Location, Location, Location
- Investment Property is about having the right Strategy, Location and Product
This forum is loaded with good people with a lot to offer, ask the right question and you will get the right answers.
Modernity Investing
Email MeThey are over priced when compared with established stock in the same area, jump on RP data etc, I believe this is due to things like developers premium, marketing costs, agents get higher commission on off the plan (in my experience inner city Sydney agents get 2% when uncon & another 2% at settlement (4%total) for OTP). An area can get an over supply of apartments (think docklands / Canberra atm) due to over development. Rental yields are weaker (hence why some offer rental guarantees). Strata fees are above average (cant figure that one, on a new build you would think less maintenance)
At best it's a strategy for the early phase of a fast moving market as it is totally reliant on market forces going up.
Maybe as a BA Mark you have access to better deals, however for the average mum & dad investor I would avoid them.
Good Evening Richard,
I am yet to see the properties /land available or be told the area. I have told them I want this information before looking at what is available to do my own due diligence, and workout the market price in the area.
Certainly when we do the maths, it all looks positive, once tax allowances are made, but my concern lies with if the properties are heavily inflated, and won’t see the projected cap gains they have identified.Surprisingly, it wasn’t until I read an article in API that my concern was raised – not specifically about this company, but about other schemes/scams that do exist. The article points out that there are some groups out there who are legit, but sorting them from the others is the obvious challenge.. I will remain non committal until I can be assured that it us a good deal.
Will keep everyone advised.
Richard, that said, I would like to have a chat with you to see how you might be able to assist my getting started. I will give you a call this week.
Thanks all.
Email MeHi Jeff
Sure sounds. I away working in Fiji until Tuesday but will be back on the office Wednesday morning onwards.
Yours in Finance
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
@david any update on your dealings with APAS?
Hi Jamie,
They claim to be a “One stop shop for service provisions in the fields of investment property acquisition, risk assessment, wealth creation and planning helping plan a self funded retirement.
They promote new properties rather than old. They source the properties that they believe are in good growth areas and only use quality builders.
I am just a bit weary as i have heard mixed reports on negative gearing.
So “one stop shop” in this case appears to mean “we will take money from the developer, and we will take money from the loan” – no I don’t think this is in your best interest
“promote new properties rather than old” this is because it appears they get paid by the developer. If this is the case they are not working for you, or looking after you. You are not the client, you are the patsy. The client is the developer.
They also get paid by the bank for the loan. Brokers are fine, and commonplace (Jamie M who has replied on this post is one of the good ones) but when they also happen to work for the developer how can they possibly give you independent advice or service?
conflict of interest.
BuyersAgent | Precium
Email Me | Phone MeSouth Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
Me and my partner are also new to the whole IP side of things and have just recently had a meeting with APAS, judging by the above comments it’s not really the way to go? How did you guys end up going with your dealings?@shannon88 What was your experience? Do you have a sense of whether the properties being offered are actually worth the price or is there a chance they are inflated? This is the biggest problem (as raised by others) I see so many horror stories of these places with conflict of interest, pretending to be investment advisors and buyers agents when they are not. You need independent advice and evidence based valuations on anything you are going to purchase. Best of luck.
BuyersAgent | Precium
Email Me | Phone MeSouth Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
@knightm thanks for the response mate,
In all honestly we have only just scraped the tip of the ice berg with APAS. We only have had our first consultation and have booked in for our second early next week to discuss in further details about potential properties in which state and suburb along with a more detailed break down of our finances etc.
Going through a “one stop shop” kind of set up is not something I’m totally comfortable with as I’m a very skeptical kind of guy.
A little breakdown of where my wife and I are at, open to suggestions.
My wife and I finished building our home around 12 months ago in Western Sydney
Looking at purchasing an investment property to start building our portfolio,
Our current property has just been bank evaluated at $630,000
Current mortgage stands at $495,000
Currently having $95,000 in savings in our offset account. (Effectively our mortgage says $400,000 even)
APAS have suggested/promoted OTP style properties that will be negatively geared at a cost of no more than $100-$150 per week out of pocket expense to us.
We would love to invest in Sydney but given the way the market is at the moment we can’t see this really happening as it’s just too ex naive.
Thanks for your help.Suggested an Off The Plan property who would have ever guessed.
Yours in Finance
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
APAS have suggested/promoted OTP style properties that will be negatively geared at a cost of no more than $100-$150 per week out of pocket expense to us.
Wow ouch. You’re happy to lose that much per week? That is a decent amount to be out of pocket every week. Also it will be worse if you were suddenly not working and had no income to gear against. Also it’ll make getting your subsequent investment properties much harder because your ability to service the loan with your available income will be severely compromised.
Often OTP properties that are recommended to you earn the recommending party a nice hefty commission.
Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
Email Me | Phone MeVIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.
Just another second tier spruiker company by the sounds of it then. As always a great acid test is to ask them to suggest houses which are not brand new/OTP. See what reaction they give you.
Corey Batt | Precision Funding
Email Me | Phone MeInvestment Focused Finance Strategist - servicing Australia-wide
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