All Topics / General Property / Taking photo during the property inspection

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  • Profile photo of TaylorChang

    Hi all,

    I went a property inspection, I asked the agent if I can take some photo of the property.

    The agents said " not allowed".

    I didn't say anything to him. but I was not very happy that I am not allowed to take photos of the property.

    Just wondering if it is legal or if there is any regulation that the perspective buyer can't take photo of a property during the inspection ?

    Anyone taking photos during the inspection ? how do you guys doing the research once leave inspection ?

    TaylorChang | Finance Broker
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    Home loan | Commercial loan | 0414 691 517

    Profile photo of StormyStormy
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 22

    I took photos of my property but that was a vacant possession. In fact the Real Estate Agent encouraged it.

    I can only imagine in your case it may have been a privacy issue and the vendor instructed the agent to discourage it.


    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
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    I'm not sure about the legalities involved but it's quite a common request to have no photos taken during an inspection.

    If I were the owner/tenant of the property and had my family pictures and belongings in the property, I'd also prefer that pictures weren't taken.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Profile photo of Dan42Dan42
    Join Date: 2008
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    I'm with Jamie. You are in someone else's private property, so they can make the rules.

    Profile photo of J&TJ&T
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 37

    Would have to agree with Jamie & Dan. I wouldn't be happy with people taking photos inside our home during an inspection.



    Profile photo of JhaiMitchellJhaiMitchell
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 30

    There has been issues in the past were people have taken phones of the security system and been robed after the home open.


    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
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    Consider the breach of privacy issues that may arise.

    Profile photo of Surveying PropertySurveying Property
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    Most people who ask me to survey their building would expect photo's as part of the report.  If however someone objected then it is their property and their choice, so I would have to respect that.

    Profile photo of TaylorChang

    I totally respect everyone's view. and really apprecicated everyone's contribution

    but how would you be comfortable to put down hundred of thousands of dollars if you just walk in an out of an open inspection for 5 minuntes without detail analysing how much money you need to spend on repair, upgrade, or even some deficit you saw on the inspection time but on settlement date the owner/seller cover all them up ??

    I often inspection more than 3 properties a day, and by the end of the day I already forgot all the structures, layout, damage of each property if i don't take some photos or do some sort of recording …..

    I respect the privacy issue. But wouldn't normally agents inform the tenants/owners that perspective buyers are coming in and they would probably put the valuable items away already ???

    If the agents/owners don't help perspective buyer to buy comfortably. how would they sell the property ? expecting some dumb people blindly hand over hundred of thousand of hard earning money ?!

    TaylorChang | Finance Broker
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    Home loan | Commercial loan | 0414 691 517

    Profile photo of wilko1wilko1
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 510

    Agent " Are you taking photos of that room??!", You " Are you kidding i was sending a text msg to my mum".

    A pen a paper should cover it though in those instances. quick sketch up of floor plan and notes on each room. Shouldn't take you more then the 5 minutes.

    Profile photo of PrimePropertyInvestorPrimePropertyInvestor
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 48


    I have never been NOT ALLOWED to take pictures of property when viewing it, but I am here in UK, that's different…

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