All Topics / Help Needed! / highfields, QLD vs Burdell QLD

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  • Profile photo of mjm2

    Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone has thoughts on these two areas?  A 2 bedder, 2 bath on own title in North Shore estate in Burdell (just out of Townsville) not yet built vs a 2 bedder 1 bath in Triplex strata title in Highfields (just out of Toowoomba), just built and ready to go.

    Have researched and have pros and cons for both areas but being from Melbourne, would love views closer to either area or people already investing in these.



    Profile photo of N@thanN@than
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 241

    Hi Mel,

    I can't comment on the toowoomba  market but I think long term Townsville is a winner. Then again I have a property in Burdell so I am probably a little bias! I just think it is all so cheap at the moment, and townsville has so many industries supporting it and seems to be constantly growing. I only purchased my property there early this year but it was tenanted straight away and hasn't been vacant since. They just signed up for a 1 year lease last month at an increased rent so I think if you buy right then you shouldn't ave any troubles with vacancies. Cant comment on the demand for 2/2's though. From my research the 3/1 or 4/2 were in most demand due to the large amount of families with children wanting to live there due to its real 'community' feel.

    Hope this helps.


    Profile photo of mjm2

    Thankyou Nathan!  Great to hear from someone already there!



    Profile photo of Rick sta

    My thumbs up for Townsville too, vacancies tightening and population growing faster than the state average, really good buying at the moment. I too hold property in Townsville so probably a little bias.  Lots of infrastructure spending in the northern beaches area at the moment.

    Profile photo of mjm2

    Thanks Rick!  Appreciate your comments.


    Profile photo of Chopper1979Chopper1979
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 2

    hey guys im getting closer to purchasing my first property investment in and im leaning towards townsville.

    anyone recommend which area is better over all.

    1…mount low.



    please advise

    Profile photo of Rick sta

    From the areas you've mentioned I'm guessing you intend to buy a H & L package? If so, why?

    Mount Low and Burdell are one in the same in my books, Oonoonba is close to the city and neighbours Idalia which now has million dollar mansions springing up.  

    May I ask why these areas interest you?

    Profile photo of bradhurstbradhurst
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Mel,

               I am an Electrical Contractor in Townsville and do a lot of pre-purchase inspections on houses etc…..Townsville has a very well balanced economy with a lot of Government agencies based here.The Army,Air Force and the Port and Mining Industries mean that wehave a  very stable economy and I deal with a lot of Southern Investors who seem to like the Growth and security that Townsville has.

               Burdell is an outlying suburb,but is situated on the Northern side of town which is experiencing massive growth.There is an older section of Burdell, which struggles a bit with price increases as opposed to the newer area.My parents actually purchased a property in the older area ,and after 10 years experienced very little growth….I am thinking that it may be worth checking out the property values in the newer area….Mt Low is about 5 klms up the road (further North) but is the passage way to Bushland Beach which is area of exceptional growth,so I am thinking that prices would be completely different…Oonoonba is a very old suburb of  Townsville,but is very close to the city centre.Many of the houses have been renovated there and it is very close To Fairfield Waters, which is a very new suburb and boosts many multimillion dollar proeprties….hope this helps,let me know if you would like any further information,cheers Brad…..can't help with info on Toowoomba sorry

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