All Topics / Help Needed! / Independent Property Advisor

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  • Profile photo of merahma

    Hello Everyone,

    I bought my first home last year and thinking about investing in property. We would like to speak to a financial advisor to help us with some directions. There's just too many options out there and thought would be great to be referred to someone. 

    Any suggestions?

    Property Newbie

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi Merama,

    Financial planners/advisors are not qualified to advise in property. Their training and qualifications do not extend into direct property investment advice.

    Before you go too much further you would benefit by spending sometime broadening your knowledge and understanding of what is possible in the property field.

    In the meantime it is advisable for you to find a good mortgage broker and accountant who can provide you with expert advice in their respective fields, borrowing money and loan structuring and tax planning.

    I would also suggest you consider speaking with a good solicitor who can assist with asset protection etc.

    You don't say which state you are in but I would recommend Terryw as a good point of contact. While Terry is based in NSW he is a broker, solicitor and is currently studying his accountancy. (I hope I managed to keep up with all of your studies Terry). You can do a search of Terry's posts on this board to see how broad and detailed his understandings of these key areas are.

    Profile photo of frinifrini
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 15

    I agree with the recomendation of Terrys services as a broker, as I have dealt with him and found him very professional also.

    However, I have also come accross a person that bridges the gaps, a common issue with Financial Planners regarding property.


    The director's name is Julian, and he holds formal qualifications in Financial Planning, Accounting, Mortgage Broking, and is a qualified Property Investment Advisor.

    I have dealt with them recently and highly recommend him. I know he is very busy, but insist on dealing with him directly.

    Good luck

    Profile photo of merahma

    Hi Derek,

    Thanks again for your response..I am researching quite a lot and going to seminars to learn more about investing. I have a rough idea regarding what to do. But given I will be investing for the first time I would like to get some professional opinion before I do start investing.

    I will look into Terry's posts. I am in Melbourne by the way.. Should have mentioned that!=)

    Many Thanks,


    Profile photo of merahma

    Thanks Frini!I need someone based in Melbourne. But yes, I am looking for someone like Julian.

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