All Topics / General Property / Conite???
Hi all,
Does anybody know what Conite is on the exterior walls of a house?
I tried Googling and didn't get much in the way of results. I'm trying to work out why it is used on some houses and if it's a bad thing or not? What are the potential problems with it? Is it used for hiding something underneath like fibro usually?
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p 7.09.12
By 1910, however, the idea of applying a cement stucco to chicken wire on a timber
frame had been adopted by the local architect Harry Marks at Toowoomba,
Queensland, and this, while not important in its own right, was a harbinger of
'Gunite' and other such methods used at later dates. In Tasmania Bernard Walker's
house 'Wylam' at Sandy Bay, Hobart, of 1916, was followed by a number of houses
after World War I in using stucco over either wooden lathing or chickenwire. By
the 1920s this stucco on chickenwire was widely used in rural Victoria, and cement
over wire netting, is said similarly, to have been used for Spanish bungalows in New
Zealand in the 1930s.
In Australia generally the technique was known as 'Conite', an American name which
may or may not have been used at the outset. In 1947 the Victorian Housing
Commission reported that Conite on 'a special wire mesh', and finished in white
cement, was proving very successful, especially in northern areas, and had been used
at housing estates at Wangaratta, Dimboola, Shepparton and Mildura. Clifford
Lloyd described Conite on the basis of United States practice: first of all wires were
stapled horizontally across the studs at nine inch (225 mm) intervals, then stout
building paper was laid over these, then wire netting was fixed over that, presumably
also by stapling. The cement render was placed over this, and the sand required by
the American specification was translated into Melbourne terms by Lloyd as two
parts of Frankston to five parts of Cardinia Creek or Kooweerup sand, passed through
a 1/8th inch (3 mm) sieve. Some architects, according to Lloyd, sought to improve the
system by using expanded metal rather than netting, but this was not as good because
it required more joints, and the extra stiffness was unnecessary. In America,
according to Lloyd, 'many of the film stars' palatial homes are built of this …'
In New Zealand a similar effect was produced by the use of 'Steeltex', an imported
reinforcing mesh with a kraft paper backing, used as a base for stucco finishes.
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