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  • Profile photo of astroboy71

    Hi there,

    Has anybody had dealings with Blue Wealth property?

    I went to a preso yesterday and they look like they buy into large developments in areas that have strong growth and rental potential and onsell at a discount. The figures stacked up, and my research online afterwards found their prices to be right, but because they take their commissions from the developer and charge the customer "nothing" I felt uneasy at their vested interests. The only thing I could potentially question was rental estimates but even a quick search of surrounding areas seemed to reflect what they were saying.

    Still, there has to be a catch somewhere – so would love to know other people's dealings as there is no info anywhere i can find on them.


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    Profile photo of Kohlhagen Group
    Profile photo of LilianWA

    I went and saw them but I wasn't too impressed and I have spoken to some acquaintances who have said the same thing.

    Profile photo of Kohlhagen Group

    What didn't impress you Liliian? Was is the same 'uneasy' feeling as Astro?

    Profile photo of LilianWA

    I just found that they were not the right fit for what I was looking for. I felt that they work closely with developers and have their interest at hand rather than say my interest.

    Im not sure what you mean by Astro?

    Profile photo of Kohlhagen Group

    Thanks for the info Lilian.

    I was just referring to the original poster Astroboy71

    Profile photo of astroboy71

    Yep. He means me. cheeky

    Thanks for your comments.

    i am also thinking that I can likely find these properties myself but they're tempting for the lazy person in me!

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    Profile photo of TheFinanceShop

    Hi Astroboy,

    Have you considered using a buyer's agent? 



    TheFinanceShop | Elite Property Finance
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    Profile photo of astroboy71

    Yes, I've been thinking that way too which is why I went to the seminar. 

    With a buyers agent there's usuually a hefty fee though whereas this company gets their payment from developer commissions. 

    To be fair they did say to think of them as a different kind of real estate agent rather than a buyers agent 

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    Profile photo of TheFinanceShop

    So a buyers agent charges more but is completely unbiased in the investment they refer whereas this company only refers properties that they are paid commission? I know which one I would be choosing!



    TheFinanceShop | Elite Property Finance
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    Profile photo of astroboy71

    I like your logic! 


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    Profile photo of TheFinanceShop

    My comment was a bit obnoxious but I am not a fan of biased advice!

    TheFinanceShop | Elite Property Finance
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    Profile photo of Brian Pobje

    Just a thought, is a buyers agent completely unbiased, will they receive the same amount of money from you if you buy the property or not. Could that extra commission they will receive from you if you buy, influence the advice they give?

    Profile photo of Brian Pobje

    In relation to blue wealth, everybody needs to make a living, if they get a commission and you get a property that is good value, showing good returns and in a growth area that has been researched, I can only see that as a win win situation.

    Profile photo of Thread Bare

    Blue Wealth sold units in a block in Campbelltown NSW, in 2009. Their main target for buyers were South Australian doctors (14) and the commissions they charged the developer was 8.5%. So on a $350,000 sale price they were paid $29,750. The units were not selling locally, so the marketeer's had to go to S.A find their target.

    Profile photo of astroboy71

     The developments I was shown had hundreds of units. I think the estimated rental values are probably correct prior to the unit block completion, however when there is a sudden flood of rental stock on the market those estimates would undoubtedly come down.

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    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    I know Tony Hayak, the owner, personally. Tony puts a lot of work into both where they buy and the developers they deal with. They get well paid for sales, but as a developer you can't buy Tony just with high commissions, I know this because my main business is financing property developers and i can't get Tony to do my clients pre-sales because the stock is all in Melbourne and he doesn't like Melbourne at the moment (I don't agree with him on this, but that is beside the point, time will tell who is correct). For someone interested in off the plan purchases, I would suggest that Blue Wealth is about as good a company as you could deal with.

    Profile photo of Modernity InvestingModernity Investing
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 181

    We are paid ONLY when the client purchases a property.

    It is our policy is to disclose all marketing commissions being paid from the developer and give those commissions directly to the client/purchaser. This gives our client a real discount to market before we negotiate further benefits for them.

    We research across 8500 suburbs nationally and then short list to five suburb/areas. We then research in those suburb/areas to find which projects, developments, subdivisions, etc.. have the right mix of attributes to be a seriously good mid to long term investment. Simple really, if you have a few 100 hours each month to fly around the country visiting sites, speaking to builders and inspect completed developments, etc.

    Modernity Investing
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    Profile photo of Thread Bare
    APerry wrote:
    I know Tony Hayak, the owner, personally…… For someone interested in off the plan purchases, I would suggest that Blue Wealth is about as good a company as you could deal with.

    APerry: I don't think UNDISCLOSED 7%-8.5% commissions are acceptable and I am sure Margaret Lomas and PIPA don't agree with you:

    PIPA upholds anti-spruiker campaign

    Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) has continued the call for caution in light of recent spruiker concerns, urging investors to ensure full due diligence is carried out before signing the dotted line.
    PIPA chair, Ben Kingsley, says the opportunity for investment in property is 'incredibly attractive' right now.
    “That being said, it’s critical investors keep a cool head. The worst investment decisions are often made on a whim or with little research, so the proper due diligence steps, including seeking out expert advice, are a must.”
    “Unscrupulous operators are quick to circle around budding investors at this time, doing their best to cash in on increasing interest in the property market. Investors must be cautious to check the credentials of any person or company offering properties for sale or providing property investment advice.”

    In particular, he says buyers must remember to differentiate between ‘advisers’ and ‘marketers’ – and to remember not to listen to everything a sales person says. “They are after all, trying to sell you a property.”

    Kingsley also stresses the importance of utilising a trusted – and qualified – adviser.
    “Whether it be property investment advisors advising on suitable property investment, mortgage brokers advising on lending and loan structure, accountants advising on tax matters, or buyers agents assisting with purchase negotiations, they must all put the clients’ interests ahead of their own.”

    Profile photo of Alistair Perry

    I'm not aware of them not disclosing commissions and I don't know how much they charge. It is ridiculous to suggest that anyone buying through Blue Wealth, or any similar company for that matter, would not know that the company is receiving a commission. As for PIPA, who are they? I've never heard of them, I've never heard of Ben Kingsley and, while I have heard of Margaret Lomas, I'm not particularly interested in her opinions.

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