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  • Profile photo of jmsrachel

    Any one watch ACA tonight regarding cherie barber shonky work. Any thoughts?

    Profile photo of ZacspeedZacspeed
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 17

    I just watched it.

    Something doesn't seem right there. Having said that Cherie only manages the renovations so the workmanship was the tradies.

    Yet as project manager she assumes overall responsibility.

    There has to be a decent explanation and I certainly dont think its any indication of overall performance or character.

    In any case im sure we'll never know for sure as this would be a case of theres 3 sides to a story.

    The occupants version, cheries version and then the truth.

    Personally I just see it as one of those jobs from hell you get from time to time, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Also sounds like the pressures of a TV production may have forced hasty work not in the best interests of the owner.

    Profile photo of zahnzahn
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    yeah i saw that story aswell. It blew me away with how the renovation turned out and then the angry builder trying to justify his work etc. I was interested in buying the dvd set a while ago too, but I agree with zacspeed in saying that theres more then one side to the story and the pressure also.

     Poor lady, I hope she gets her house sorted

    Profile photo of jmsrachel

    I think your right zacspeed, just one of those jobs were nothing seems to go right. ACA also like to make things seem worse then they are.

    Profile photo of M.InvestigatorM.Investigator
    Join Date: 2012
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    I missed the show, and I was trying to look it up on youtube or google, but I did come across Cherie's ACA story from 2010, which was in a more positive light. You can check it out here

    I too was thinking of getting some her stuff before, as renos aren't my strength even though finding, researching and investing in properties is. I think she's been doing some seminar rounds lately.

    Profile photo of a_d_r_i_a_na_d_r_i_a_n
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    I was also shocked when i saw this on ACA.

    After the owner had payed the money for the reno DVD set and attended many of her seminars.

    But there must of been more to the story, also probably didnt help she payed all the tradies cash either! So she had no real come back.



    Profile photo of petefromsydneypetefromsydney
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    Profile photo of Angel 13Angel 13
    Join Date: 2011
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    Wow, thanks for posting the link.

    I’ve always wondered about the quality of work on these renovation shows with the time and budget pressures of delivering for on screen reveals.

    This one is a shocker though.

    I’m surprise that CB would leave it in that state and risk her reputation like that. After all she is Australia’s Queen Bee renovator. There as got to be more to the story.

    Profile photo of kateej03kateej03
    Join Date: 2011
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    Hey Guys,

    I have Renovating fort Profit on my Facebook and she has said she will release a statement in the next couple of days. From what she said apparently the lady who did the course had not followed it properly and ACA had filmed it when it had not been finished……….


    Join Date: 2009
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    Interesting, I just seen the latest video on ACA that Cherie is fixing everything now. But something didn't seem right when the owner sent Cherie flowers after the job was finished?….. but gee it got a lot of attention all of which wouldn't be good for Cherie. So I can see why she would want it sorted out asap.

    mcqueen | Melinda McQueen Design Blog
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    Profile photo of ygue6072ygue6072
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    She posted a response on you tube:

    She does address some of the issues that ACA raised but it went on for 30minutes so I didn't finish watching the whole thing…

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    From what I understand of the situation, the owner of this property bought it against Cherie's advice.  It was then Cherie's dilemma of how to renovate it in a manner that added functionality for the owner, but also added value to the property itself.  I cannot understand why this lady (the property  owner) has chosen this course of action.  Nice way to say thankyou – not !! 

    Cherie is a lady of great integrity.  She really does give all of her efforts to her projects, and also to her education courses.  I did one of her courses 2 years ago and was gobsmacked about the massive amounts of information she was on a mission to impart to her students.

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
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    JacM wrote:
    I cannot understand why this lady (the property  owner) has chosen this course of action.  Nice way to say thankyou – not !!

    Hi JacM,

    Is it just the blame someone else syndrome which is all too prevalent in some people?

    Profile photo of jmsrachel

    Derek, couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s easy to blame someone else then yourself.

    Profile photo of Jacqui Middleton

    @derek… sadly yes.  And our society structure is encouraging it.  Can't be bothered to watch where you step?  Or can't accept that stuff happens in the course of being alive.  You might trip on an uneven bit of concrete.  Watch where you are going next time maybe.  Nope, there is the option of suing the council.  It's a disgrace.  Can't be bothered to work?  No problem.  We'll take more taxes from those that do work and give it to you in the form of benefits.  Carry on sponging.  Disgrace.  If such behaviours were not endorsed and rewarded in this manner, perhaps they'd be a bit less prevalent.

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
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    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of Don NicolussiDon Nicolussi
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    HI jmsrachel – dare i say it – stop watching ACA and read a book or download an audio book and listen to it. ACA would be about as productive for you as listening to talkback radio. Please don't hate on me ray hadley fans.

    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
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    Learning, having fun and doing it!

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