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  • Profile photo of g0biin

    Ugly new forum OMG shoot the web designer!

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Let's not be too hasty… what would you like to see changed or improved?

    – Steve

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of gamelodgegamelodge
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    Some constructive, feedback and first impressions… at work (as a Drupal web developer) so have not gone through whole site but quickly.

    1) Everything is to big, to much padding around buttons, espcialy nav and nav drop, it is trying to be too "Web.20" which is now old, and as such it looks to "junky" for a "information" site it really should be more compact, but with lots of white space. (easily fixed by allowing user to choose/change skins/css.)

    2) NOT responsive, the design really should be responsive so that it can change based on the media type. (try omega theme)

    Positives: Great choice using DRUPAL!! … Thumbs up… try 

    … have to run more later

    Profile photo of g0biin

    For a guy who makes allot of money you should spend some on your website Steve: P

    I agree with game. The colour is too strong. The nav bar is not intuitive looks cheap and the icons don’t line up above for me IE8. The forum which I would imagine gets you the most hits is hidden. It probably should have its own button?

    The what’s happening now needs to be smaller. Do serious investors really care about how many posts or achievements they have? I think that’s designed for kids to keep them coming back to the forums maybe it works on adults too :) Too much bling bling.

    I actually prefered your old webpage. It was just cleaner.

    Where you get it designed at?

    You can thank me later Steve.

    Profile photo of g0biin

    Oh one more thing. You want your forum topics on the left and your side bar on the right. You want your users to read the webpage like a book. Left to right. So your welcome, recent achievements, active forum, whats happening now should go n the right. This allows you to read the topics easier at the moment it feels like you kinda have to fight to find what you want to read.

    Profile photo of SMSF101SMSF101
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 49

    think  the looks of the website is incomparable to the knowledge generated by users,  in my opinion, when you are in despair of choosing to pay a debt ore investing your money, one will just mind   what are said, of what ideas he need to be able to figure things out. but i respect your perspective guys., let us flourish and help each other through this site.. Godbless


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