All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth Suburb Selection

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  • Profile photo of AVS

    Hi all

    I am looking forward for buying my first IP, I was thinking about Adelaide earlier but now made my mind to buy in Perth.

    I am looking to spend 400K at max for a property not more than 10-15 years old. Trying to stick as close to CBD as possible. I am not looking to buy an apartment, house or unit preferred.

    I had look in few suburbs in North Perth but did not had much luck finding anything interesting. My strategy would be for Capital gains, buy and hold.

    Any suggestions on which suburbs I should look at ?

    Do I need to rethink about the preferrences I am having for property ? At last, if I don’t have any luck, may start thinking about having a BA to help me out.

    Can you please provide some advice of the suburbs I can look at, type of property to target, do I need to change any criteria and If I should hire a BA for first IP?


    Profile photo of worldinvestor

    Hi AVS
    For units close to the city in Perth you could try.

    Mt Lawley
    South Perth
    Mt Hawthorn
    As far as houses go I really don't know where you would be able to purchase at $400k within 10 km from Perth CBD.

    Rents are very strong at the moment. I would try to buy in smaller complex 6-8 units.

    Happy to help if you have any further questions. I am from Perth.

    Cheers, WI

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi AVS,

    $400K will be limiting, as far as houses go, within reasonable distance to Perth CBD.

    If houses are really your preference then I would explore suburbs along the railway lines. Dovetail this with major shopping centres, and employment nodes and you'll be pretty safe.

    Plenty of one bedroom units under $400K but I assume, by your comments, that this is not your preferred investment vehicle.

    Might take some time and you may need to relax some of your parameters to meet your investment goals. Sometimes the time is part of your initial investment.

    Profile photo of TheBishTheBish
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 59


    I've been living in Perth for about 2 years now – moved from NSW. Your overall selection of Perth as a city to invest should be a good one based on what I'm seeing here compared to the Eastern states. Perth is a young growing city with massive opportunities in the future – while people talk about China only in terms of resource demands, Perth is also well located to Africa and Indonesia – two places that will need resources in the future.

    In terms of what the market is doing in general ,I live in Kensington and places there are definitely selling a lot faster this year than they were last year – a sure sign the market has improved.

    Do the research and good luck.


    Profile photo of Freckle
    TheBish wrote:
    Perth is also well located to Africa and Indonesia – two places that will need resources in the future.

    Ummmmmm…. we actually compete with Africa and Indonesia for resource export markets Bish.

    Profile photo of Freckle

    WA is one big mining town and as far as mining towns go they do provide higher risk than might otherwise be expected. One could argue that WA’s economy is reasonably diversified, however, a substantial portion of GSP (Gross State Product) is predicated on business investment.

    …from WA Treasury – Economic notes 2010 -11

    On an expenditure basis, the major driver of real growth in the State’s GSP was business investment,
    growing by 12.6% over the year and contributing 3.0 percentage points to the 3.5% GSP growth rate.
    This was followed by household consumption, which grew by 4.5% over the year, contributing 1.8 percentage points.
    State Final Demand (a measure of domestic demand in the State) grew by 6.5% in 2010-11, contributing 5.8 percentage points to annual GSP growth. However 22.2% growth in the balancing item detracted 4.1 percentage points from GSP growth during the year.

    ? On an industry Gross Value Added basis, the main driver of real GSP growth in 2010-11 for Western Australia
    was from output in Mining, which contributed 1.6 percentage points to the State’s overall GSP growth of 3.5%.
    While output from other industries was mostly positive during the year, output in the Agriculture, Forestry and
    Fishing industry and the Wholesale Trade industry fell, detracting 0.6 and 0.1 percentage points each from GSP growth.
    Several other industries such as Accommodation and Food Services, Public Administration and Safety
    and Arts and Recreation neither added to, nor detracted from, GSP growth.

    The conclusion one can draw from the above is that mining and oil/gas infrastructure expansion projects are the main drivers of the WA economy. The big mining projects are scheduled to wind back within 2 years although FMG has plans for the next 5+. I’m not convinced FMG will be able to pursue its expansion strategy as aggressively going forward as it has in the past for a variety of reasons. Oil and Gas has some big projects on the go now that will take at least 5 years to complete but I doubt they will have much affect on Perth property if at all.

    I tend to think things are finally balanced at the moment and that much depends on how China handles the global downturn. For an investor its more important than ever that any PI strategies are well thought out and include worst case scenario planning. There’s been a slight uptick in the Perth market and rentals are fairly buoyant at the moment but unless fundamentals start moving in a positive direction soon I don’t see those as sustainable at current levels.

    I’ve talked to several business owners in recent weeks from Welshpool to Mandurah and they’re all on the edge financially. They certainly aren’t optimistic at this point.

    Profile photo of AVS
    worldinvestor wrote:
    Hi AVS
    For units close to the city in Perth you could try.

    Mt Lawley
    South Perth
    Mt Hawthorn
    As far as houses go I really don't know where you would be able to purchase at $400k within 10 km from Perth CBD.

    Rents are very strong at the moment. I would try to buy in smaller complex 6-8 units.

    Happy to help if you have any further questions. I am from Perth.

    Cheers, WI

    Thanks heaps for your comments and help.

    I did tried searching units in some of the above suburbs, but did not had much luck finding an independent unit.

    I will defiantly get in touch with you, I am sure I will have some more questions.

    Profile photo of worldinvestor

    Hi AVS

    If you look hard enough you can buy 2 bedroom unit in Mt Lawley in certain pockets for under $400K which could represent reasonable value and one bedders for under $300K.

    States $420 pw rent which would be about right.
    This location is reasonable, more of an older style flat, but in this area this is the norm, this is blue chip area and units are in big demand and tight rental market.

    Not sure how many units in this block though, however, I know this location may be worth looking closer at this.

    Cheers WI

    Profile photo of AVS

    Hi WI

    I have been looking at the at units, but I am trying to find an independent unit semi detached if possible instead of an apartment.

    If I do find some, they are really old. How does the renovated property perform? Do we still get high maintenance issues with it? How much benefit do we get in tax return with it?

    I was aiming for property build in or after 2000. I am not sure if I need to drop this criteria out of the list as I am struggling to find many !

    I have been looking at some suburbs in south perth. Any feedback for Thorline, cloverdale, high wycombe?


    Profile photo of worldinvestor

    I  like the older units, art deco etc. As far as thes types of units go they are very much in demand and there is a short supply of these, they get snapped up as soon as any hit the market, as they are in leafy sort after areas surrounded by period homes. They also tend to have larger floor plan which is an added bonus.

    If you are looking at a newer construction and villa or semi detached I would look closely at Yokine, 7 km from the city, nice area and very good value at the moment. Many developors have jumped into this area and built some nice high spec homes which has helped maintain a good feel to the area.

    Out of the areas you mentioned Cloverdale would be my pick, however this would be for house on development site not unit.

    Thornley and High Wycombe can not comment, not sure how you would go for growth in these areas, nothing extraordinary as far as I know.
    However, when buying interstate which I have on a number of occasions it is very easy to get confused when you start looking at too many areas. Personally I find it is easier to focus on 1 or 2 areas, get to know them well, there is no need to rush it is not a rising market, you have time on your side. Also, have you networked with a couple of RE agents this can be very helpful, make sure you phone quite a few ask the same questions, keeps them honest, just some suggestions.

    Does this suit

    or this, tad over $400K

    Cheers WI

    Profile photo of luke86luke86
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 470
    AVS wrote:

    Any feedback for Thorline, cloverdale, high wycombe? Cheers AVS

    Thornlie and High Wycombe are mortgage belt suburbs.

    Cloverdale is in a relatively rough area- high crime, close to the airport and aircraft noise (which is a big issue for people living in Perth).

    Why not look in Victoria Park, East Vic Park, Lathlain area? You shoud find detached units or houses on small blocks there for $400 – $500k.


    Profile photo of AVS

    Hi all,

    I have narrowed the search to below areas and want your help to go ahead, here are some options :

    1. Morley, Dianella (Villa, Unit)
    2. Wannerro, Ashby, singara (New or near new houses)
    3. Joondalup (Old unit, houses)
    4. East cannington,Langford, Bentley. (House, unit,Villa)

    Can I please get some feedbacksuggestionscomments regarding above options on which should I prioritize.



    Profile photo of worldinvestor

    Thats good, as you have selected Joondalup I believe North Joondalup is moving this could be due to rezoning by the Council.

    One strategy that I use is to identify properties that are in the process of  being rezoned, find out what precinct, check out the plans and then purchase a property which will allow you to build at the rear and retain the front.

    This is a great strategy as you can end up with cashflow positive properties with growth once zoning has been gazetted and you can also build up equity from the rear property, practically doubling your money on the rear property.

    Cheers WI

    Profile photo of NooobNooob
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 34

    Cross Bentley out of your list. High crime rate

    Dianella and Morely (and inglewood) are all good suburbs but don't get too close to the Maylands boundary

    Profile photo of AVS

    Thanks WI

    Any feedback on Wanneroo and Asbhy?

    What would be your pick between good condition, near new house in WannerroAshbySinagra side with decent land size(Not possible to rezone) or Old house large land around Joondalup?

    Profile photo of worldinvestor

    I would pick the development property which will provide ultimately the better return and opportunity to add value which of course makes it unique and sort after. This is what will add value regardless of whether you choose to develop or not.

    However in saying this the figures would need to stack up now, in other words if it is costing too much to hold until you can build it may not be viable.  This is where you need to research areas with potential and work out whether the figures stack up for you now.

    Areas like Ashby, Sinagra personally do not hold much charm for me because one is totally relying on growth and those areas do not have any unique value as far as I know, ie period homes, close to city etc…….. 


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