All Topics / Value Adding / Renovating Workshops in Perth

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  • Profile photo of renel

    I have seen some renovating workshops around over the years. My husband went to one at bunnings on tiling that was free (what a waste of time – the staff in the isle can give the same info!!) and ended up doing a 6 week course at tafe on tiling (1 night a week – excellent value, he then tiled the bathroom). I have alsoe seen there are regular ones at the HomeBaseExpo in Subiaco. Just recently I saw advertised one run by a lady name Cherie something. It goes for 3 days and costs $900+.
    To anyone that has been to any kind of reno workshop/course etc, can you tell me what is a good one that you feel you got value out of? We are not first time renovators but are keen to grow our knowlege and repitoir of ideas.

    Profile photo of RyanJDRyanJD
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 77

    Have you just looked on youtube?

    This is what I did and then tiled my laundry and toilet. 4 years on its still good and was cheap!

    I have not done the bathroom as I know it has a lot more work that needs doing but I might look into it down the track if the tenants ever leave.

    Profile photo of CorieCorie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 113

    Hi there Renel,

    Thought I would drop you a line as my wife and I live in Perth and we are keen renovators too.

    Have you looked at any of the home study options? I know Dean and Elise parker have a product called "The complete renovating system" which you can buy online either on their site I think you can also get it through the site too. Might even be able to pick it up second hand through someone here on the forums. I have seen it before. 

    I have not seen the content but I know there are posts on here about it. Might be able to find some more about it that way.

    Got to run. Speak again soon


    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    renel wrote:
    . Just recently I saw advertised one run by a lady name Cherie something.

    Probably Cherie Barber – there are a number of discussions on her 'stuff' on this forum. If you do a search on the forums you'll get some feedback on people's perceptions of her material.

    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404

    Where did you see Cherie Barbers workshop for $900? Her system is $5000 and includes all the manuals, templates etc.

    It doesn't teach you how to renovate. It teaches you how to select and project manage other tradies to renovate for profit.

    If you want handyman stuff look on Youtube. I've leaned heaps of handy stuff there.

    Profile photo of renel

    Yeah I saw the cost of the Cherie B ones and passed. I think the $900 is just one installment!

    I looked up youtube and got distracted learning how to reupholster chairs. Just bought a staple gun and sander from Bunnings. Dont have any chairs yet.

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