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  • Profile photo of ubrowndog

    Hi there,

    I thought I should provide an update on what has been happening, and also to say thank you for your posts – I was certainly disgruntled by what had happened to me and see others have also been negatively affected by the same person and company, but more so that there are companies and people who will assist and seek to develop good business relationships in Atlanta.

    Corey Fuller did make contact and advise me that payment for rent that had been received should be in my account by the 17th November. No money has been deposited into the account thus far.

    If anyone is interested I did come across this blog:×4701983

    I am heading across to Atlanta in December and in the process of lodging complaints with the Better Business Bureau and Georgia Real Estate Commission.


    Col Brown

    Profile photo of GuttedGutted
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 2


    I will be doing the same – I have had no further correspondence from him but am not prepared to let him get away with this. As stated before, when I met him he was great and spoke fondly of his wife who is also in real estate and family – I wonder how proud they must be of him !!



    Profile photo of ubrowndog

    Hi Gutted,

    I just received an email from the Better Business Bureau and they have indicated that the complaint I made could not be pursued because the complaint could not be delivered or the business no longer exists!! Seems like an easy way to escape any accountability for wrong doing.

    I'll keep you up dated on how things go with the local authorities in Atlanta when I get there. Given I have false receipts that includes a bank receipt I will see if any criminal charge can be laid relating to fraud.

    Profile photo of neenygirl79neenygirl79
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    I work with Corey Fuller for a few weeks back in July 2012.  When I meet with him he seemed to be very professional and stand up guy.  We was looking for someone to help him lease his property.  At first I was a little concerned because I wasn't sure if he really owned this properties or had permission from the owner to lease these property.  I asked to see HUD statements and management agreements for the ones that he had sold.  He provided the statements.  So after looking over everything I decided to start a business relationship with him.  Everything was going great for about 2 weeks.  I leased about 4 of his properties.  I sent him an invoice for leasing fee.  The first check he sent me was returned for insufficient funds.  When I address it with him he said that he had to close that account because someone had stolen money from him.  Several days went by and he made a direct deposit.  The following week I issued him another invoice for another property that I leased for him.   This time I didn't receive a response from him.  Then I started receiving cells from vendors letting me know that Corey had given them bad checks.  I had about 3 to 4 different vendors call me about not getting paid from Corey.  I started calling Corey but no answer.  So I reached out to his wife(she is his real estate on all of his purchases) explaining to her that her husband owes several people money, including myself.  She did not want to talk to me.  After several minutes went by Corey called me back saying that he was out of the country and when he got back he would make the payment.  Several days went by and finally he made a bank deposit into my business account and once again it was returned for insufficient funds.  I called him and no answer.  I told him if he did not pay me in full that I will contact the police for him passing bad checks.  The next day he meet me to make payment.  Since that day I have not heard from Corey Fuller but I have received several calls from vendors still looking for him.  FYI stay away from him he is not a stand up guy.   He has been doing this for several years he just keep finding new clients and vendors.  We need to find a way to stop him. 

    Profile photo of NowCautiousNowCautious
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 3

    Why have my posts disappeared? There were others too that are no longer there.
    I was just wondering if anyone has an update or if they caught up with Corey Fuller?
    How can someone do such things and have ripped off so many people and get away with it?

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