All Topics / Overseas Deals / Fortis Global Property Solutions – Property Management in Atlanta

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  • Profile photo of ubrowndogubrowndog
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hi I thought I would write this post to see if anyone is currently dealing with Corey Fuller from Fortis Global Property Solutions, Atlanta. I have been properly stitched up, not receiving rental payments and no longer able to obtain any correspondence from the the PM whether it be email or phone attempts!!!

    Initially, everything was running very well – via property purchase and and the first three months rent being deposited on time and without issue. Since then there has been pretend deposits into my account (emails with ‘scanned’ copies of receipt payments to bank account), that had me following up with the bank on where the payments had gone. This in combination with minimal or no correspondence has been a stressful time. I have to take responsibility for what has happened but thought anyone else who is starting there dealings with this company should be made aware.

    Regards, Col Brown

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    One needs to be a licensed RE broker to manage property legally in ATlanta… So first steps is to see if this person or company is licensed… If so file a complaint with the Department of Real Estate they will be to his office in a matter of days…

    If the property is in an area we service we will go check it out for you and give an assessment  pro bono.

    Profile photo of GuttedGutted
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 2


    I have had exactly the same problem as you. I went across to Atlanta initially and was wined and dined by him and I thought he was a very decent person. How wrong I was !! He now owes me four months worth of rental and I have luckily managed to change the property manager but I am not prepared to let him get away with it. Please let me know if you have made any headway as maybe a concerted joint approach would be good as I have heard of other investors who he has diddled as well.



    Profile photo of usainvestor

    <moderator: delete personal comment>

    I have found a house that's owned by a Corey Fuller

    The address is 2270 Sheryl Dr Decartur 30032

    Parcel ID 15 138 01 011

    He also comes up under a company

    Fortis capital

    But there are no contact details.

    And he comes up under Fotis Capital Partners LLC but this doesn't show up in the Georgia Secretary of state site (like our ASIC)

    Hope you guys are successful in chasing him down, should help if he actually has property as you can lodge a lien.


    Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    Before one can "lodge a lien"  there needs to be a trier of fact ( judge) render a judgment against the defendant. And the  "plaintiff"  Needs to file a court action..

    We have whats called Small claims court and that is for disputes under 5 to 7500.. depending on the state. The caveot though is YOU MUST PERSONALLY attend, and no LAWYERS are allowed .

    So this is were these Spruikers type property managers get away with it.. they know for 3 to 5 k your not going to be able to do anything.. The only thing you can do is file a complaint with the RE commission and threaten them with that action.

    If they are licensed to begin with they will probably not want this to happen, but if they are dodgy characters. your out of luck

    cost to presue this is more than you lost.


    Profile photo of usainvestor

    Hi Jay

    Understand that there would be a legal process prior to a lean (as is in Australia).

    What I meant is that at least there appear to be some assets that could be pursued if you get a favorable judgment.

    The question is how many $5k chucks has he ripped and would there be room for a class type action?


    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-Magen

    They've been advertising in too, until mid-2010, then seemed to have disappeared. Sorry to hear, best of luck with the pursuit.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Respondent

    This story is not accurate. Like Mr. Brown states the beginning with this process started our very smoothly and got very complicated once the tenant did not make lease payments in a timely manner. There was a bit of miscommunication regarding the matter. At the end day I wasnt managing these properties in a day to day manner . I have been in contact with Mr. Brown to get these items resoved as soon as possible. 

    Profile photo of Respondent

    Fortis Global  helped to secure  discounted investment  properties for individual investors with discounted prices and very little headaches in terms of renovations. During the process we were making an inordinate amount of acquisitions and I tasked someone to find tenants for these properties so the investors could have current cash flow shortly after their purchases. During this process some things were overlooked as properties were handed over to the permanent property managers. . The process  was intended to be seamless transfers to the new permanent property management company that had nothing to do with Fortis and a lot of issues arose from that process. 

    I am working to help resolve any issues related to this process with the investors.  We are not a management company just an acquisitions company who supplies superior  residential and commercial  property.

    We have at this point decided that we will not secure tenants or do any type of marketing for tenants for the owners who purchase instead refer them to the permanent property manager during the purchase phase so no issues arise in the future.

    Also I would like to add that there two sides to anything that is posted. 

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs


    this is the soup de jour, response that I have seen from marketing companies.. ( WE DID NOT DO IT ITS THE PROPERTY MANAGERS FAULT)

    Good luck with that one.. I bet in your marketing presentations you go on about how you source the BEST PROPERTY MANAGERS IN THE WORLD blah blah blah,, when in fact you just turn them over and hope for the best.

    In this case it did not happen in some cases clients are fine

    that is my take on this

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-Magen

    Nice to see you guys talking, at least. Any resolution, Col?

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of realestatewise


       There is actually 3 sides to every story (his, yours, and the truth) and please know, this is not a one off situation with Corey Fuller and Fortis Global! This is standard practice for him with everyone he develops a business relationship with. A smooth talker he is. He's very knowledgeable, but lacks character. I know this because I had a business relationship also with Corey Fuller. I provided services, vendors and developed relationships to help make his properties move smother! I developed relationships to get work done on properties only for Corey to nickel and dime on paying the contractors, only to then avoid their calls as well as mine! <moderator: delete personal comment> 

    You are right  Col we must ALL take responsibility for our actions or the lack thereof and that includes Corey Fuller!

    P.S. I won't even start with the fictitious deposits! Lol….  This was an experience, but please gentlemen don't let one bad apple spoil it for the rest of us! There are some of us that really do work with in Atlanta with integrity.


    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Another Aussie Spruiker strikes

    its insane really the financial losses that are attributed to these people.

    this is why you hear Us US guys talking about at least using US Real estate agents who have E and O insurance.

    when using these unlicensed people there is absolutely no recourse other than bitching on this site or others.

    Profile photo of Golen BullGolen Bull
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi can someone help me.  My daughter is renting property from Corey Fuller and he has yet to respond.  In order for her to get gas an inspection is needed by a plumber.  She has been in the property for over 2 weeks and he has not contacted us in over a week.  When he was communicating he was sending someone out and then he decided not to because she had not paid the rent per conversation with a co-worker of his.  I have texted, emailed, called and to no avail no response. Nothing happen to bring this on just confused on why. She has been without a frigerator, a stove, finally on Sunday he had someone to bring a frige and stove that barely works.  She has no heat, no hot water.   My question to anyone what can she do about it, should she get a lawyer or is there someone she can contact for unlivable conditions.  Thanking you in advance.

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Have her call a free legal aid hot line for tenants. Most every city has them certainly atlanta

    Profile photo of realestatewise

    Jay you are absolutely correct. There is Atlanta legal aid society. They are excellent. I suggest contacting local authorities and making a formal complaint. There is the better business bureau. Fortis Global is registered with several housing agencies, make your  complaint known to them. I suggest Ms. Bull that your daughter does her homework and be vigilant in doing so. Also, if  Corey Fuller owner of Fortis Global is a registered business, file a complaint with the attorney general's office and the secretary of state. Call and email every local official available to you and your daughter. Ms.  Bull find out who the local commissioner is where your daughter lives and complain to their office.  They surely don't want people taking advantage of the voters in their district. I guarantee your daughter is not the only tenant being taking advantage of. 

    Again, this is not a one off situation. There are many other tenants, realtors, vendors, contractors and investors that Mr.  Fuller has taken advantage of and it's very sad. We are in a great market for investors, a great market  for tenants, and a great market for professionals  looking  to work hard, and operate with integrity.

    RE Wise

    Profile photo of jayhinrichs

    Real estate wise,

    If this Fortis is this complicated then a formal complaint to the DRE should shut his doors.. If in fact he is doing anything beyond the laws of the great state of Georgia.

    Again for everyone benefits one must be  LICENSED REAL BROKER in GA to SELL real estate they do not personaly own or to manage properties they do not own.

    At TWH we own all of ours so we just self manage.


    Profile photo of Respondent

    My response to you is know what you are speaking of when you make comments. If you own a property you dont have to be a realtor to purchase the property. 

    Also we do not manage any properties we secured tenants and then would move them to another property manger. 

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-Magen
    Respondent wrote:
    My response to you is know what you are speaking of when you make comments. 

    instead of butting heads, wouldn't you be better off spending the time and resources addressing the complaints of your (seemingly large number of) disappointed clients? Or, just a thought, sign your comments with a name and means of contact, so you can be accountable for them? That would probably do a great deal more than this "you don't know what you're talking about" response line, in my opinion.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of realestatewise


        You took the words out of my mouth! Please notice, RESPONDENT didn't even addressed the concerns that so many have brought forth. Enough of this, I think everyone gets the point.


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