All Topics / Help Needed! / Brisbane suburb suggestions for houses $480k and under w high occupancy & yield & capital gain over 20 yrs

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  • Profile photo of jadatom05

    We are buying a property w our super. Ideally I would have liked west end or woolloongabba but our price range is too low. Any thoughts? Coorparoo? Thx

    Profile photo of Jacqui MiddletonJacqui Middleton
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2,539

    The stats pages at the rear of the Australian Property Investor Magazine can give you the answer to your question

    Jacqui Middleton | Middleton Buyers Advocates
    Email Me | Phone Me

    VIC Buyers' Agents for investors, home buyers & SMSFs.

    Profile photo of Andrew_AAndrew_A
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 392

    Occupancy isn’t really an issue for any property that is in decent condition, the rental market is quite healthy.

    I buy in this area often, generally 480 will be a little tight for a house buyer but good choice for townhouses and excellent choice for apartments. Work with 5.2% gross yield as a rough rule of thumb. All depends on what you are looking for, helps to narrow down the search criteria as much as possible.

    Profile photo of John MaxwellJohn Maxwell
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 30

    Hi Jadatom05,

    The aim of property investing is to make money right? This is always by either cashflow gain v’s capital growth. Cashflow is achieved through rent v’s costs … Therefore the more rent you receive and/ or the less costs you have the better the cashflow over time. If you can negotiate on BMV deals then the capital increases faster +!you will gain over time as values increase.
    Follow the basic rule of thumb for rent returns of close to CBD, close to schools and shops, close to water. There is plenty of historical and current data for this.

    Most professionals involved in property will have access to rpdata or similar and would be happy to oblige.

    Hope this helps with some clarity.

    Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want… You might surprise yourself and get it! But if you dont ask, you don’t get!

    Profile photo of jadatom05

    Thanks all, we have 4 invt prop high yield in mining towns but haven’t bought for capital growth for 10 yrs! And never in bris. What is BMv?

    Profile photo of PISTOREPISTORE
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 75

    Below Market Value, I believe.

    Have you considered the Hunter Valley NSW? Great location for SMSF purchases. Very steady growth and good entry point. Low $400K would see you in something brand new.

    Profile photo of wobblysquare

    Or west sydney – with Granny falt

    Profile photo of wobblysquare

    Or even some spots in Logan, or Toowoomba

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