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  • Profile photo of Geronimo60Geronimo60
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi ! New to site and have read a lot on property in the USA … Was just wanting to know if anyone out there has done any investing lately in the company called usinvest I recently joined their invest site and been getting emails on USA property .. My question is are they for real or scam ? Thanks

    Profile photo of jayhinrichsjayhinrichs
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1,177

    Well I will be the first to ask:

    1. did you pay for membership

    2. are you getting full address's

    3. did they give you any kind of credentials package to back up their claims.

    4. what price points are you seeing are they dealing in the 20 to 40k purchase prices  20% returns plus or are they showing you higher priced.

    5. Do they sell you the Property then hand you off to their hand picked property manager and or US partner.

    Caveot emptar  is the word

    There are hundreds of sites in the US that are free there is no mystery to US inventory,,, There is no OZ company that I am aware of that has some super secret pipeline to inventory,,, We all fish out of the same pond.

    We see the ozz folks at the same auctions we attend… We can tell who they are they talk funny….

    majority of Ozz companies are simply marketing arms that have made a marketing agreement with some wholesaler in the US.. Some of these folks and you will find them are very reputable and will by and large take care of you,, of course no one can predict the final outcome of an investment property.

    Others though are out and out theives.. And we see those transactions first hand when us US based guys try to offer a little assistance as a pro bono type of community act….

    read through the post here and you will get a flavor everyone has an opinion.

    Profile photo of florraflorra
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5
    Profile photo of NealeinMINealeinMI
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 4

    1. People don't give property away.
    2. Most of the "experts" who have investing newletters, be they stocks or real estate, make their money from the newletters.  Thier expertise should be highly questioned.
    3. If you are really serious about investing in the U.S., do your homework, set up a plan for buying, managing, and selling the real estate.  Then get your bum on a plane and come to the US.  Find a realtor, and/or a management company you can work with, then go from there.
    4. Go to there are literally hundreds of thousands of homes for sale.
    5. Why not spead your money on Australian Real Estate.  You can control it yourself, and you don't have to fly to the US to check on your investments.

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-Magen
    NealeinMI wrote:
    …Why not spend your money on Australian Real Estate.  You can control it yourself, and you don't have to fly to the US to check on your investments.

    Agree with everything except 5.

    I have good, reliable Australian investments. The cashflow sucks. It's hard to find profitably geared, long-term, affordable deals. And they cost heaps.

    I think in the US, if you buy wisely into whatever investment, with the right team or verified and reasonably safe structure, you can generate, at the very least, 7-8% in rental yield, and a pretty good chance of capital gain. That's double the average on a "good buy" here in Aus (barring mining towns, but don't know that's long-term), with a quarter or less the investment minimum, for a darn good, reliable area.

    It's a sweeping generalisation, there's better to be found in both places if you dig long and hard, and if winds blow your way, but as a minimum reliable return (pretax), that'll be about it. Double the return, quarter of the entry levels, same or slightly lower capital gain expectation (which nobody can rely on anyway).

    Good enough reason to go anywhere, no?

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Menunes

    I made a few enquiries through US Invest and decided against going with them.
    The bloke on the phone was nice enough, pushing their product for very little information. I think it was more of a feeling I had rather than factual info I could share…
    The push on getting my credit card info before I got any real information about what they provided or what I got for my “9 – 95” i felt was a bit shady. Only after 3 phone calls from them I realised the “exclusive property report” i would receive was actually available free of charge!! (also realising that the “cheap” report was charged at $995 not $9.95 as I thought!)
    Not that im an expert by any means but I feel the “one-stop-shop” companies are to be avoided…
    Lucky for me another investment opportunity close to home arose before I signed up for anything.

    Profile photo of Ziv Nakajima-Magen
    Menunes wrote:
    …Not that im an expert by any means but I feel the "one-stop-shop" companies are to be avoided…

    I wouldn't knock all "one-stop-shops" (a very general term) and recommend people avoid them just because they charge a fee.

    Some of these guys are superb at what they do (Emma, Kyler, Alex, Jay, to name just a few on these forums, for example, who probably fall under that wide category) and I'd feel very comfortable paying their charge any day of the week.

    Transperancy, communication and DD are key, whether you do things yourself (which means live, at least for a fair bit of time, wherever you happen to be investing) or through a team, whether that team happens to reside at the same firm or not is completely irrelevant – they'll all charge you for their services, and rightly so.

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen | Nippon Tradings International (NTI)
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific @ NTI - Japan Real-Estate Investment Property

    Profile photo of Menunes

    Sorry, yes I over generalised….
    I have no problem with people/businesses charging a fee for a great job. In this case though I couldn’t see the value for money for what was on offer.

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