All Topics / Value Adding / Cost of a survey plan

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  • Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Hi everyone.

    What do you guys usually pay for a survey plan for a normal residential site? (countours, site features, adjoining property detail, etc)

    I've been quoted $900, as well as $1500.

    Whats normal?

    Both seem expensive.


    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying

    You will get figures across the board like that. I’ve worked for some companies in the past which were on the high end due to the high cost of good equipment (a new theodolite is ~$40k, add vehicles, prisms, sometimes gps units etc…). There are some cheap surveyors out there but ultimately you get what you pay for.

    I won’t name names, but I’ve had customers go to a cheaper mob around the corner from me, and I say that you will no doubt be turned around at council because of the lack of information. Every time they’ve come back and need the survey re-done as it was entirely rubbish with the cheap company. Good way to waste $1000!

    The surveyors board in Vic recommends $1200-$1300 + GST for a basic Feature and Level Survey. Rescode information is extra as is Site Analysis work. If you think about it, the Bachelor’s Degree is unbelievably hard work, then you’ve got 3 – 4 years of licensing after that (3 subdivisions and 2 law projects). Not just the average tradie with on-the-job training. Few doctors or lawyers do that much study.

    I’m not trying to sell you the more middle-upper quotes by any means, but if you can get a guarantee from the cheap guys that it won’t get turned around for more information / run into many hiccups, then I’ll eat my words. Many of them haven’t had any formal training and use rubbish gear without having a thorough knowledge of council’s requirements. They’re in it for the quick money.


    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Thanks mate, understandable.

    The guy who gave the $900 quote from my experience of their work are far better and more efficient than the $1500 quote funnily enough.

    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying

    So like a repeat customer discount thing? Most surveyors knock off another 10-20% when customers come back multiple times. It is a very competitive market after all.


    Profile photo of bigblueitbigblueit
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5

    About 2k including title reestablishment which should be done at the same time, as if you are subdividing you will need the reestablishment of title down the track anyway.

    Id question what you are getting for 900, will they do a general neighbourhood survey, services details etc

    Where are you based – i can put you on to some people in Melbourne if interested


    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    i'm in Sydney

    I need it to lodge a townhouse DA.

    Profile photo of KeyStrategies
    alfrescodining wrote:
    i'm in Sydney

    I need it to lodge a townhouse DA.

    I can recommend Steve Sampson from Burton & Field – I have used him for my projects in Sydney but that was a while ago not sure of current costs – As for your quotes they appear to be good value as I have paid between $2 and $3K but for full service contours, peg outs, Linen Plans – I attend to my own lodgement with LTO and save a bit there but with electronic lodgement its not really worth it these days. Cost depends of the size of the project.

    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    I've never heard of title re-establishment. Is that a Victoria thing?

    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying
    alfrescodining wrote:
    I've never heard of title re-establishment. Is that a Victoria thing?

    Title Re-Establishment Surveys are used for the following:

    – Subdivisions (all types of subdivision)
    – Consolidation of titles
    – Pegging fence corners for new fencing
    – Planning on building on the title line (eg. Garages).
    – Title Amendment
    – Adverse Possession
    – Other Title-related applications

    Subdivisions is where they are most commonly seen. Some surveyors prefer to do them at the same time as the Feature and Level, Site Analysis, whereas other surveyors do them later down the track with the subdivision design. There isn’t a difference in cost as it’s still the same amount of time on site either way. I prefer the latter as the process seems to flow more smoothly splitting it into planning application firstly then the subdivision design and submission.

    It’s not just a Victorian thing. If you’re just looking for the Feature and Level Survey, (I’m assuming for a home extension, building permit etc) without planning on building on the boundary then you won’t need the Title RE.

    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    Thanks for that explanation Ahsley.

    I guess I'll need countours, features, adjoining property features, distances from boundaries, that sort of thing. This is for a townhouse DA.

    If I need a title RE I'm assuming he'll do it at the strata subdivision stage?

    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying
    alfrescodining wrote:
    Thanks for that explanation Ahsley.

    I guess I'll need countours, features, adjoining property features, distances from boundaries, that sort of thing. This is for a townhouse DA.

    If I need a title RE I'm assuming he'll do it at the strata subdivision stage?

    Yes you are correct, the above is what will be submitted for DA.

    It sounds like your surveyor runs things similar to myself, where the Title RE is completed at the latter stage. I think it’s better to do it this way as there is less time to “hope” the fences haven’t moved/changed etc between the survey and designing the subdivision. Also the ability to be able to cross-check with the initial survey is an added extra.

    Also for those wondering what I’m talking about an example of one of my Feature and Levels with Site Analysis can be downloaded in .pdf format here:

    Profile photo of alfrescodining

    That looks very detailed Ashley.

    Do the councils in Victoria want all that specific detail of adjoining properties?

    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying

    Yes that covers every survey requirement that councils in Victoria have for DA. This particular project was a 2-Lot Subdivision. It is important to be extremely thorough in DA submissions; as I previously mentioned the last thing you want is to be turned around for having missing information and have to start over.

    Copied from the surveyor’s handbook:

    The site and context description may use a site plan, photographs or other techniques and
    must accurately describe:
    In relation to the site:
    – Site shape, size, dimensions and orientation.
    – Levels and contours of the site.
    – Natural features including trees and other significant vegetation, drainage lines, water courses, wetlands, ridgelines and hill tops.
    – The siting and use of existing buildings and structures.
    – Street frontage features such as poles, street trees and kerb crossovers.
    – Access points.
    – Location of drainage and other utilities.
    – Easements.
    – Any identified natural or cultural features of the site.
    – Significant views to and from the site.
    – Noise and odour sources or other external influences.
    – Soil conditions, including any land affected by contamination, erosion, salinity, acid sulphate soils or fill.
    – Any other notable features or characteristics of the site.
    – Adjacent uses.
    – Any other factor affecting the capacity to develop the site including whether the site is affected by inundation.

    An application for subdivision of 3 or more lots must also describe in relation to the surrounding area:
    – The pattern of subdivision.
    – Existing land uses.
    – The location and use of existing buildings on adjacent land.
    – Abutting street and path widths, materials and detailing.
    – The location and type of significant vegetation.

    I’d be making sure that all the above are covered when employing a surveyor. You may also need an arborist if there are significant trees, along with a building footprint (at minimum) of the proposed dwelling location. These are the sorts of things that should be confirmed with council’s town planner before starting development.

    Profile photo of KeyStrategies


    I have to say you know your stuff and based on this and various other posts I have seen you are extremely generous with your information – Thanks for your contribution to the forum – shame your in Melbourne or I would be using your services.


    Profile photo of jlb2431jlb2431
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 25

    $900 sounds like an Ident.

    You will get a plan with contours but you will not get your boundaries re-established.

    Profile photo of Stacey Surveying
    KeyStrategies wrote:

    I have to say you know your stuff and based on this and various other posts I have seen you are extremely generous with your information – Thanks for your contribution to the forum – shame your in Melbourne or I would be using your services.


    Thanks for the kind words Michael. Always happy to help out if you decide on doing anything down here in Vic- have had a couple of interstate builders and developers fly down to undertake projects here.


    Profile photo of jadejade
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 1

    I am based in Melbourne and do feature, level and re-establishment survey and someone had quote for $1430 for feature and label and $2200 to include re-establishment. are these pricing reasonable? my planner suggested me to do both at the same time ! Or should I do the re-establishment in latter stage?

    any comments suggestions will be appreciated. thank you !

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