All Topics / Help Needed! / I Need to learn Strata Titling with Property Options -Hopefully this wont be taken down like my last request

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  • Profile photo of shawnfromsydney

    Hi there……. Is there anybody on this forum based in Sydney that is currently doing strata titling of unit complexes? Preferably, somebody who is using Property Options, to control the property and then carry out the process to, divide the one title into many titles, and then sell off each title, for profit.

    I would like to tag along with this process to learn from you, the full strata title process to understand from start to finish how to do it. I OFFER MY SERVICES TO YOU FOR FREE !!!! YES FOR FREE !!!

    To the administrator please do not delete this post this time…..I am not selling anything, and just want to learn.

    I feel this may be the next big investor property boom here in OZ, given that we are very short on dwellings, and would love to pick up some tips while helping you to carry this process…..and yes I understand that this could be offering my services for up to 6 – 12 months.

    Can anybody assist me here?

    Can anybody offer any contacts that you may have that would be willing to offer a broke dude with some free time the skills to be able to do this myself.

    Thanks to all in advance !!!

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Hi Shawn

    If you were in Brisbane and I had a bit more time on my hands i might volanteer.

    Apart from the distance one question i would ask you if you were a student of mine is how do you think you are every going to do a deal if as you say you are broke?

    Even if you use a Call Option on the property you are going to need good financial backing to achieve Title and be in a postion if needed to settle on the deal, pay the stamp duty, Govenment and Professional services fees etc etc.

    The biggest deal we have done here in SE netted us $1.7M but i recon we needed to have on hand $250K to be on the safe side.

    Whatever they tell you at a seminare it is not all roses and skittles.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of shawnfromsydney

    Thanks Richard for your comments. It’s great to be able to chat directly with some experienced operators on here !!!

    Yes I am not going into this with any illusions about costs involved.

    However, if I have at least the experience behind me I may be able to try to get some vendor finance or joint venture partners involved in some future projects.

    In relation to the Sydney issue……my wife and I are Queenslanders and will be retuning back to Brisbane within the next 6 – 12 months after sticking it out in Sydney for close to 10 years.

    So I would very interested in offering my services for any projects that you were willing to have me tag along with, when I actually get up to Brisbane.

    It would be great to keep in contact between now and then if you wouldn’t mind a virtual beginner throwing a few questions your way from time to time? Your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Sure feel free to bounce the odd question off me.


    Yours in Finance

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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