All Topics / General Property / Naracoorte S.A.

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  • Profile photo of jim64

    Naracoorte was recently deemed South Australias best performing regional performer with a 17% median return.I have 2 houses,and 5 blocks of land in the inner township.Would appreciate any comments on the area or other investors/developers on their views of further growth.



    Profile photo of luke86luke86
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 470

    I have no knowledge on the area but would be surprised if a small regional town with a population of less than 5000 had capital gains this large in the past year. Has a new mine opened in the area or some other major industry? Or were the statsitics based on a very small sample of sales and skewed by unusually high sales?

    Would be interesting to see what the stats show over the next 2-3 years.

    You could always ring local real estate agents to hear their thoughts as they deal with proeprty sales all the time so would have a finger on the pulse. They would be able to tell you if the market is moving up or whether the stats are an anomoly.


    Profile photo of jim64

    Hi luke,

    Naracoorte  is a 8000 population town,supported by keys meatworks,(who are expanding)agriculture and wineries.Our investing there has always been good for both capital gain and rent yeilds around 8%.Out of all the real estate companies,and i have dealt with them all,only one stands out.I really think the lazy agents should find another career,so we only now deal with 1st national.Any other experiences would be appreciated as i think some agents are holding the industry back.Country time i call it.



    Profile photo of v8ghiav8ghia
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 871

    Hey Jim,
    BIG congratulations if you have had success with a 1st National branded agency!
    Back on track though, how long have you had the property in Naracoorte?


    Profile photo of jim64

    Hi V8Ghia,

    Cool username,We have been investing in Naracoorte for 4 years now,have 2 houses,and presently sub dividing up a parcel into 5 X 500sm blocks.We like the fact the homes are a bit cheaper,but the rents are really good,and resale is not too bad,as we sold 1 house last year which took 3 months to sell.



    Profile photo of FreckleFreckle
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1,680

    Median Property Trends for properties in Naracoorte

    House Price Trend in LGA Naracoorte and Lucindale’s stats aren’t much better. I’d take all of them with a grain of salt. Wild swings of -19% to +36% over 12 months doesn’t indicate reliable data. The only thing that is reasonably certain is that the overall trend is slightly negative. I don’t see CG as offering much in the way of growth in the short to medium term. Rental yields may offer some respite depending on how your set up.

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