All Topics / Help Needed! / Small sub divisions

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  • Profile photo of jim64

    Hello all,

    I am right in the middle of sub dividing 5 X 500sm blocks into community title.My querie is this,all the services are on the road frontage,and to run power,sewer,phone & water to the front off the proposed blocks is around 100 meters.My surveror advised this being community title,the owners will need to hook up to the services,doing it this way means 5 different trenches for services for 5 houses,doesnt make sense.Should i organise tail services to all the blocks?and is there a easy way to coordinate all the services to do this?I could take the easy option and do what my surveyer advised,or make it easy on the block buyers.Any thoughts,help and advice would be great.

    Jim Mcintyre

    Profile photo of Stacey SurveyingStacey Surveying
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 138

    Hi Jim,

    No intention of being biased here, but I would go with your surveyors recommendation. We’ve all done hundreds of subdivision projects of all shapes and sizes and know the best way to get things done.

    I’m not saying you have to go with them 100%, as there are always going to be steps where one thing can be done before the other and vice versa. Your surveyor will have your best intentions at heart, and given it’s that busy time of year (why does this always happen when the weather is terrible!) they’ll be wanting to get through the work in the most effective and time-wise method.

    Has the surveyor provided you with some contacts or are you coordinating all of this yourself? I know I rather working with certain professionals as they know the work well and there’s no surprises at either end.


    Profile photo of jim64

    Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for the comment.I have worked with the surveyor before,on other projects mainly subdividing established houses on road fronts,so this sub dividing is new to me.although so far there has been no surprises,which is good.I am taking the surverers advice,to keep costs down,my other issue is i am in a joint venture with a builder,and he is suggesting the tails to the block frontages,which reduces the services work,reducing his costs i would think.



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