All Topics / Help Needed! / Changes to a rental property
G’day all,
Putting this out there on behalf of my sister who is 9 months into a lease in Tasmania. She has just received word from the property manager that the landlord plans to rip up the carpet in 2 bedrooms without replacing it or treating the wood underneath…in effect leaving her with 2 bedrooms with old timber flooring. My understanding is that this cannot be done as it effects the condition of the property that she signed into with her contract. Could anyone shed some light on her legal position in this case and who she needs to speak to in order to protect her tenant rights. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers
Hi Tuggerwagh
What's the owners justification for removing the carpets?
Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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Tuggerwaugh, best to start with the Residential Tenancies Act of Tasmania
As for phone contact, the best place to start is through Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading on 1300 65 44 99.
They are responsible for the Residential Tenancies Act.This change of removing the carpets and NOT returning the flooring to a habitable state is NOT permitted through the current lease or contract.
Phone them on Monday morning!
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