All Topics / General Property / Real estate industry pays spruikers and shills to post positive spin on forums?

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  • Profile photo of StingrayBirke

    A huge problem in society today is that the media and the blogosphere are dominated by the one-percent. They control everything, the news we read and watch, the "truth" that they drip fed to the unthinking masses, to the 99 percent.

    It was recently revealed that the real estate industry actually pays spruikers and shills to post positive spin on forums and blogs (yes even forums like this one) to talk up the market, to post as if they're just one of the 99 percent, a normal person, when in fact they are part of the corrupt 1% feeding us their lies and propaganda.

    Read the blog below and watch the included video for evidence:

    On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog, or a paid property spruiker

    The public needs to open their eyes. To stop believing what they you read and watch in the mainstream press. The problem is the 99 percent don't read forums like this. They don't find out the truth. So pass this on, pass the message on to everyone. Tell your friends what's happening. Make them read this blog. Make then watch the video. Above all, remember, the 99 percent are fed lies by the 1 percent and this is a huge obstacle we must overcome. But in time, the truth must come out. It always does.

    Profile photo of StingrayBirke
    Profile photo of xdrewxdrew
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 479

    Taking a moment to read all your thoughts and your 11 posts (to date) .. i can only leave you with this line ….

    <moderator: delete>

    The mantra of the 1% is repeated again and again in the media as if its some sort of statistical gospel and a fact that we should be recognising as a leader fact to the statements that follow from it. So if there are 1% that hold all the wealth .. are the 99% all that miserable? Are the 1% all deserving? DOES IT MATTER IF THERE ARE POSTS FROM ASTROTURFERS ON A BLOG.

    Do you really think its necessary to hold up what is a SOCIALIST MANTRA without any reality check as a reason for condemning the 1%. The 1% click in at a certain level … and both America and Australia have some very wealthy contenders in that area. But to call it a corrupt non-functional index of static accounts making up the 1% .. <moderator: delete language>.

     The wealthy are like everyone else .. there is a jump to get there .. and its just as easy to fall off the rich rung too. Thats called a societal dynamic .. its a moving class structure thats continually revised. They fight hard to get there and they fight even harder to keep it. And sometimes if that means rules need to be bent to hold onto power .. so be it. Read up on the Medicis to understand how important moulding their affluence around solid claims to power was. It still applies to today. If you arent watching your money and making sure the government isnt getting more than its fair share .. the govt will take you for every penny you can possibly owe them.

    And as far as Astroturfing goes .. its the old village mentality again. There has to be a consipiracy otherwise the truth is right. And the truth NOT being right gives me power. Despite the fact it can be easily proven wrong. I will continue to repeat my mantra until it bores everyone around me <moderator: delete language>. Its a yawn. Its boring .. and repeating it again and again just isolates you into that crazy pocket.

    You arent alone .. all this downturn has brought out the crazies. It still doesnt mean you are right. Unproven and unprovable nonsense remains just that .. until you come up with a shred of definable proof. And I'd be glad to see more of it. It would actually give you some degree of credibility. Which at the moment you are sorely lacking.

    Just a note for the spontenaety of the OCCUPY movement. If the group was so spontaneous .. why in every country concerned did it attract the SAME basic types of members? Surely if it was spontaneous it would have attracted a wider section of the general community and gradually filtered DOWN to the specific sectional branches???

    On the internet .. everyone is a typing poodle. Until proven otherwise.

    Profile photo of Freckle

    “The wealthy are like everyone else”

    Since when?

    “there is a jump to get there”

    where?… wealth.

    Very very few get to be wealthy in one jump. It’s often an incremental evolution over a long time. The exception are a tiny tiny group of super entrepreneurs (Larry Page -Google) and those that inherit.

    “and its just as easy to fall off the rich rung too”

    Not if you’re in the 1% club. In fact it’s almost impossible to fall of the rich rung no matter how many dumb mistakes you make.

    “its a moving class structure thats continually revised”

    The 1% is never revised it’s simply refined

    ” Surely if it was spontaneous (the OCCUPY movement) it would have attracted a wider section of the general community and gradually filtered DOWN to the specific sectional branches???

    I thought it attracted everyone from the unemployed to economists to politicians. How much more widespread should it get to satisfy you xdrew?

    The Freckle

    Profile photo of mattstamattsta
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 604

    i think it helps to be contrarian. A lot of the richest people in the world became that way because they thought differently from the herd.

    That's why it's good to take responsibility for your decisions and actions, and to test your own assumptions

    Profile photo of Freckle
    mattsta wrote:
    i think it helps to be contrarian. A lot of the richest people in the world became that way because they thought differently from the herd.

    That's why it's good to take responsibility for your decisions and actions, and to test your own assumptions

    I'm not sure that being contrarian has any distinct advantages. Generally speaking ppl who aspire to some level of wealth or success are well motivated and are less risk averse than the majority. I think we all have some level of contrariness in us about different things. You can become more contrarian over time as you see the inequality or destructiveness of various systems be they legal, political or financial. The occupy movement is an amalgam of all sorts of movements with no clear message. <moderator: delete personal comment>. I've always been to some extent or other a contrarian but I've noticed as I get older I've become more egalitarian than ever. The Freckle

    Profile photo of fWordfWord
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 471


    'Paid property spruiker'? Look at me, I do it for free.

    This is just hilarious! In life, people with a brain and a backbone can and will do the thinking by themselves. People hoping for a get-rich-quick scheme are taking a short cut to getting poor. There's no easy way to make money. It's just plain and simple. If it were *that* easy to become mega rich, there would be more of us around in that category.

    At least I'm prepared to admit I ain't smart enough to be an entrepeneur, hence I got to slog hard and make ends meet, and do it the old school way. But at least I don't sit around and whinge about the people who *are* rich. That's none of my business. I've got bigger fish to fry in my life than to worry about who's richer than me, or who's sprouting lies.

    Speaking of fish, I'm going fishing. No time to waste here!

    Profile photo of Freckle


    the biggest wingers in society are the wealthy. The wealthier and more powerful the bigger the winging and whining. They do their winging through professional lobby groups or industry associations. Just look how the mining industry went on a winging spree when govt imposed the super profit taxes. And who winged the loudest. Yep good old Twiggy Forest who’s in the top 5 wealthiest in Oz. The big miners got the better end of the deal while the smaller miners had to bite the proverbial bullet.

    A more subtle way to winge is to subvert politicians through party donations and influence peddling.

    The property lobby group through various limbs of the property industry continually winge to govt, the media etc about how hard done by they are and that their industry should be supported, helped, stimulated, subsidised etc etc.

    I’m neither pro nor anti the Occupy movement. My interpretation about the OM guys is that they don’t envy the rich. They dislike the fact that more and more wealth (and power) is being concentrated in the hands of a few at the expense of the many. The 1% are using their position to swing the odds in their favor at a substantial cost to the 99% who have little if any real influence to balance the odds.

    The analogy is working in a large organisation that demands more hours for less pay while the senior exec’s take long holidays, receive massive bonuses, award themselves excessive pay rises and retire with golden parachutes regardless of their individual effort, skill or accomplishment. The org’s investors meanwhile receive paltry dividends if any and share value growth with unknown growth prospects.

    All anyone wants is a fair bite of the pie and anyone here who reckons they don’t winge about something at sometime is a dreamer.

    The Freckle

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