All Topics / General Property / Breaking Rental management agreement

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  • Profile photo of jimbethdxnjimbethdxn
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    How can you get early release from a rental managment agreement due to poor management

    Profile photo of CatalystCatalyst
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1,404

    Read the contract to see how much notice you agreed to give. Speak to them and tell them you are not happy and why. If all else fails give the required notice and switch.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Take it up with the Licensee, if they are aware of how incompetent their PM is (at the risk of losing business) something might be done about it.

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    I guess it depends on how poor.
    If the management is of a level poor enough to be actionable by Dept of Fair Trading, then the licencee would surely prefer a mutually agreed early termination of the managing agency agreement to a DFT complaint.

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    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069
    Scott No Mates wrote:
    Take it up with the Licensee, if they are aware of how incompetent their PM is (at the risk of losing business) something might be done about it.

    Good point. They'll also want to steer clear of any negative word of mouth.



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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