All Topics / Help Needed! / Your Questions to Steve McKnight

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  • Profile photo of Admin

    Hi Team,

    We need your help…

    The team at are currently helping Steve McKnight to collate some new website content.

    One of these articles is a “Q&A” with Steve.

    So we thought we’d recruit you to help us, by asking you: “What questions do you want to ask Steve?”

    We’d love to get a range of a dozen or so really good questions asking Steve about his life, his experience as a property investor, some of his insights into real estate investing, and some general advice to other investors who might just be starting out.

    Important Tip: How to increase the chances your question will be picked…

    We’re looking for questions that are general enough to still be relevant in several years time.

    A question like “Where would you find positive cashflow properties right now?” might get outdated quickly.

    But a question like “What are some strategies for finding or creating positive cashflow investments in any market?” will always be relevant.

    We can’t promise that all of your questions will be answered. But we’ll do our best to cover as many of them as possible. And hopefully the result will be some really interesting, really insightful reading for you in the coming weeks.

    Thank you for your help!

    – Admin

    Profile photo of fredo_4305fredo_4305
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 336

    What strategy and one only would Steve utilise in this current market if he had to start again? As most people know Steven made alot of his early money buying regionally and as close to cash flow positive as possible.

    Although the fundamentals have changed, the world of property in particular affordability has changed dramatically. Steve is often pushing the USA option at the moment and from what I have read he is doing very well from this. But to me this would not be an option for someone starting out.

    So my question would be: What strategy and one only would Steve utilise in this current market if he had to start again?

    Profile photo of J-louJ-lou
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 26

    What are the common traps and pitfalls we should be aware of as first-time developers when subdividing a property?

    Profile photo of RyanJDRyanJD
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 77

    Would you ever recommend someone to manage their own property and if so what advice would you give them?

    What are the most common mistakes when starting in property investment?

    What are the positives and negatives of a single investor vs a couple investing?

    Should you always go to a mortgage broker or can you find a better deal yourself?

    How do you stay focused on your investment goals without your effort go down the down in that small window of weakness?

    How can you investment in property without investing in 2 minute noodles? (Kinda funny kinda relevant)

    Profile photo of JOHNBECJOHNBEC
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 3

    After reaching financial freedom what kept you motivated/focused to keep moving forward with a purpose ? and what does now?

    Profile photo of CanberraClaireCanberraClaire
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 47

    How has your outlook and focus changed over time as your investing grew to, and past the point where you no longer needed an income from a job?

    Was there a key moment where you knew you were committed to becoming 'financially free'?

    What advice can you give to investors who are looking to make changes in their lives?

    How do you keep going after experiencing a big investing mistake?

    CanberraClaire | Capital Buyers Agency
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    Profile photo of TaylorChangTaylorChang
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 234

    There are a lot of head wind in the investing journey. such as mis-represtation of property, unforseeable issue or cost, some many so called property guru type of spuikers……..

    all these difficulties and pitfalls sent many investors lost money or to broke !

    I would like to know
    1) when steve started out his journey in property investing, how much did he lost
    2) how he managed to keep his mindset and momentum, when he first time lost his money in investing.
    3) share some of the stories how he lost his money and how he adjusts himself financially, emotionally and mentally

    I think it is a  good idea to demostrate a good deal and how the process and numbers are.
    but also it is a great idea to show people the pitfalls along the way to success

    Thank you 

    TaylorChang | Finance Broker
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    Home loan | Commercial loan | 0414 691 517

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    Question To Steve.
    If you think your Apprentice Property Investing Cert IV Program is suitable for young beginners, please explain why and
    how you think they could cope with learning it alongside mature age beginners.


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of Admin

    Hi Guys,

    I just wanted to thank you again for your questions, and show you Steve's answers.

    We've just uploaded them to Steve's new website here:

    – Admin

    Profile photo of stef09x-restef09x-re
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Steve,

    We are considering starting investing in positive cash flow properties here in Australia and/or possibly overseas either Europe, the USA or Tassie.

    I have read heaps of information to educate myself and generally understand how the figures work in relation to finding a positive-cash-flow property that should take care of itself and pay you a small income to live on; and replicating this across other positive cash-flow properties. What concerns me is the amount of debt you need to carry to invest in a number of properties and the prospect that if any of these properties became vacant, how do you manage the expense of covering their mortgage payments and other expenses if this is multiplied across a larger number of properties? I would think you should be able to handle the loan servicing of a small number of properties, but what if this occurred to a larger number of properties? Have you every had something like this happen?

    In a best-case scenario I can understand how it would work; but what about in a worst-case scenario?

    Also, currently my partner and I are looking to move to the UK and setup there which will mean that for the next 2 years or so we are going to be on uncertain incomes. Can you give some advice on how you would arrange finance to purchase investment properties if your income is uncertain? We currently have good savings and equity in our own home in Brisbane, as well as a good credit rating; but I am not sure how we should approach lending institutions to be able to get the best loans to ensure we are able to purchase a number of investment properties with minimum income (from us personally).

    Anyway, I would love to get your opinion on these questions.


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