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    Join Date: 2010
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    just wondering if anyone had anything to do with Real Estate Investar and would be happy to pass on their thoughts. I thought it looked pretty good but wanted to see if others thought it was worth the money.

    Profile photo of camjanicecamjanice
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 51

    I did a free trial and their search engine is fabulous.  I cancelled during the trial period as the cost was too much considering I pretty much know where I want to buy and I was not ready to buy for a while.  They cancelled my ongoing subscription with no cost to me.  Investar would be very useful for someone wanting to build a large portfolio or who is looking for specific deals.  I think  from memory the cost is $100+ per month to subscribe. 
    Cheers, Janice

    Profile photo of RobbiePRobbieP
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 108


    I was also using their software for the 14 days trial and i thought it was very powerful and was really good value for money if you were doing a number of searches per month.

    Its also great way of quickly educating yourself with specific areas you are interested in or have heard of.

    But if you are an investor who is maybe looking at adding 1 property per year to your portfolio, $169 per month is alot of money.

    I also looked into PriceFinder, which offered something very similar, but have added CMA functionality. The price is the same as REI and you can choose to pay monthly, but you are limited to one state.

    It would be great if these companies actually catered for the smaller guys by allowing 2-3 investors to share a subscription.

    In this example, $55-60pm for each investor is much more affordable and REI gets another monthly subscription of $169, which they probably wouldn’t have got.. its a win-win situation.


    Profile photo of Matt JonesMatt Jones
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 170

    If you're looking for a more affordable option, PriceFinder is the go.

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    Good luck!


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    Profile photo of demetriusdemetrius
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5

    If you are newbie in the real estate or any other business then it is necessary to avoid too much investment initially as there are more risk for you in the business because you have less experience and knowledge about it.

    Profile photo of CorieCorie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 113

    I used to work for REI, hence the avatar, but dont  anymore so my advise is not bias in any way.

    The REI tools are a great suite of tools but like most others have said are overpriced. The search engine is second to none and can save heaps of time and help to find properties that you would never have found otherwise. Also they provide a lot of relevant data with each property so you can quickly decide if the property fits your critera. And if you have access to the valuation tool you can quickly decide if you are looking at a good deal. Basically it is a tool for people who are "time poor".

    Personally I think you need to be a very active investor to really see the benifits of REI. More suited to the full time investor. But in saying that the reason I began working for REI was because I was a user of their software and liked it so much. I didnt mind paying for it because I used it all the time and actually bought some properties I found on there, all before I began working for them.


    I have not kept up with their pricing options but from what I know you can now subscribe to REI on a month by month basis whereas previously you had to sign up for 12 months. 

    If you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask.


    Profile photo of astroboy71astroboy71
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 18

    I've never used it but recently came across which allows you to search broad areas (eg. NSW) under positive or negative cashflow deals, specifying how much % you want from the yield. It sounds ideal for cashflow investors but I can't be sure of the accuracy (ie. where they pull their data from). Guess it also depends on how sophisticated you want your searches to be.

    Having said all that REI often put out free trial periods in various property media, so look out for those and give it a go. I'm going to do it when I'm ready (financially) to go for my next investment.

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    Profile photo of Andrew_A

    It's one of the sites I use for searching, agree about being expensive and suitable for active investors only, otherwise there will be better choices. Price Finder as Matt points out is excellent and hard to beat for value for your dollar. 

    Profile photo of NHGNHG
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 198

    What would be considered an 'active' investor? 

    Profile photo of ChrisA1ChrisA1
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 172

    Thanks for the site – a nifty little site for an initial search through regions you may not have considered before…

    From my search parameters, Broken Hill came up quite a few times… possibly because of the lower max price I entered…frown


    Persistence is 'to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be'

    Profile photo of Andrew_A

    Someone who can justify $149/month on a research site in this particular case.

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